
2016年02月15日 雅学粉思

Australia Magic Education
Where the magic happens!
月雅思口语变题季过后,目前口语新题库已趋近稳定, 本次新题以旧题回库题及旧题改编题为主,全新题较少。所有报了2月场次的雅思考生,只要按此题目范围开始备考口语。



Speaking Part


  1. Describe an old person you respect 一个值得尊敬的老人(new)
  2. Describe a person who has apologized to you.一个給自己道歉的人(new)
  3. Describe a good friend of yours.你的好朋友(new)
  4. Describe a person who can do well in work工作优秀的人
  5. Describe a person whose job is important to the society.工作对社会重要的人
  6. Describe a person who likes to travel by plane.一个喜欢坐飞机的朋友
  7. Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet.相见的新闻中的人
  8. Describe a family member that you have spent the most time with.长时间相处的家人

  1. A place (a village) you visited that has been affected by pollution被污染的地方(new)
  2. Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting.近水之地
  3. Describe an occasion when someone made a lot of noise.制造噪音的场合
  4. Describe a house or apartment you want to live in.想住的房子或者公寓
  5. Describe a street that you like to visit.想去的街道
  6. Describe a place you visited but only for a short period of time.短暂停留的地方

  1. Describe a product you bought which made you very happy.开心购物(new)
  2. Describe an interesting animal.有趣的动物(new)
  3. Describe a toy that you received when you were a child.小时候收到的玩具(new)
  4. Describe a piece of clothes that is given by someone.别人送的一件衣服(new)
  5. Describe a photo of yourself you have taken.我的一张照片(new)
  6. Describe an important festival in your country.重要节日(new)
  7. Describe an activity that helps you to keep fit.保持健康的运动
  8. Describe an article you read from the internet or books about healthy life.网上或书上关于健康生活的文章
  9. Describe a song that impressed you a lot.特别的歌
  10. Describe a law about environment you would like to see in the future.一项有助于环境保护的法律
  11. Describe a useful thing that you once borrowed.借到有用的东西
  12. Describe a new skill you want to learn.想学的新技能
  13. Describe a movie you have watched in a cinema or at home.电影

  1. Describe a sport you would like to try for the first time.第一次想要尝试的运动(new)
  2. Describe a dream you have had.做过的一个梦(new)
  3. Describe a situation (or a time )when you helped someone. 乐于助人的事情(new)
  4. A decision you took a long time to make ( A difficult choice you ever made)一个艰难的决定(new)
  5. An occasion when the weather changed your plan一次因天气改变计划的经历(new)
  6. Describe a job you like to do in the future.未来想做的工作(new)
  7. Describe a dinner that you had with your friends.和朋友的一次晚餐(new)
  8. Describe the first time that you used a foreign lanuage to communicate第一次说外语 (new)
  9. Describe a goal you'd like to achieve in the future.未来想达成的目标 (new)
  10. Describe a short vacation that you were impressed.短暂假期(new)
  11. Describe a happy family event from your childhood that you remember well.儿时的幸福家事
  12. Describe a special trip you would like to go on in特殊的旅行
  13. Describe an art or craft activity you did at school.在学校的艺术活动
  14. Describe a situation you waited for something.等待
  15. Describe what would you do if you were given a day off work or college.一天假期的安排
  16. Describe an important conversation.重要谈话
  17. Describe an experience of forgetting something.一次忘事的经历
  18. Describe a long walk you enjoyed.很享受的一次长时间步行经历
  19. Describe a success in your life.一次成功的经历
  20. Describe a long car journey.长途自驾游
  21. Describe a foreign country you want to visit but haven't been to.想去还未去的国家
  22. Describe a recent happy event that you had.一件开心的事情
  23. Describe a time you watched the sky.仰望星空的经历

  1. Describe an interesting story from a TV program.电视节目中有意思的故事(new)
  2. Describe a story or a novel that was particularly interesting to you有意思的小说(new)
  3. Describe a piece of local news that was interesting to you.当地的新闻(new)
  4. Describe an article that you read from a magazine or newspaper.从报纸或者杂志上看到的文章(new)
Could you introduce a piece of jewelry please? 
Would you please introduce a poem?
Would you please introduce a western classcial architecture?
如果你死记硬背,是不可能短期之内考到高分的。雅学首家创新使用12 Stories高效口语故事法,由短小,精悍,易记,好说,高分,灵活,创新的小故事全面覆盖1700道考题。上了考场,你将毫无压力,全面拿下口语7分!

考过雅思的同学都知道,除了要好的老师带领,打败雅思的终极秘密武器绝对是:方法方法方法!好老师+正确的学习方法,这两者缺一不可!再加上雅学为每位童鞋量身定制的课程,专攻你的弱项,巩固你的强项,相信每只烤鸭都能在短期内迅速达到目标,过上一个Happy Chinese New Year! 太多童鞋通过用我们全球独一无二的Package Multilink®特殊写作方法和12个Stories高效口语法已经通过考试拿到了他们理想的成绩并且成功递交入学、移民申请!雅学也根据不同烤鸭的不同需求提供各种课程、雅思口语、写作批改等等。


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