比如福尔摩斯的扮演者,英國演員本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)
流行歌手凱蒂·派瑞(Katy Perry)
It is well known that the Chinese media has a hallowed tradition of giving celebrities some rather perplexing nicknames.
perplexing: 非常好的一个写作单词,表示的意思是完全令人不解的意思。completely baffling, very puzzling
The latest to join the queue, which includes pseudonyms such as "curly blessing" (Benedict Cumberbatch)and "fruit sister" (Katy Perry), is "sugar bun”.
pseudonyms:笔名,假名,fictitious name.
Benedict Cumberbatch:因为在BBC的系列剧神探福尔摩斯中试演主角福尔摩斯而在中国走红,他的粉丝称他为卷福(curly blessing)
KatyPerry: 中国人给KatyPerry起的外号,因为她总是穿水果样式的服装,登台表演时也带着许多巨大的水果。过去的表演中,Katy Perry穿过耀眼的西瓜胸衣,一边唱歌一边拿着巨大的充气草莓,甚至从一个大香蕉里一跃而出。她还谈论过自己吃自己种的水果,所以这个外号起的相当贴切!
Australia's new Prime Minister MalcolmTurnbull's designated nickname is indeed "sugar bun”.
designated: appointed
It is a rough interpretation of MalcolmTurnbull's surname, a play on the Chinese words "tang/tian" (which means sweet) and "bao", the Chinese word for bun.
It is hard to find any politicians fromChina or overseas who attract such affectionate nicknames. This was probablyjust a fortuitous homonym.
affectionate: 可爱的,亲昵的
fortuitous: happening by chance rather than intention.
So while it doesn't necessarily denote anything more significant and is unlikely to be dripping with symbolism, could it be that they expect him to have a place in the national debate?
Malcolm Turnbull's son Alex speaksMandarin and is married to Wang Yiwen who, reports say, is the daughter of a Chinese academic.
But Australian premiers and China's media are certainly not strangers.
Kevin Rudd, who served as the country's 26th prime minister in 2013, was known for his great interest in Chinese history and culture, even adopting an official Chinese name, Lu Kewen.
Mr Rudd was also famously fluent in Mandarin, captured in this 2010 video, a skill that served him well during his time in office when it came to diplomatic relations.
In the Australian press Mr Turnbull is also known as "the Silvertail" and "Prince of Point Piper”.
The Silvertail: 就是我们汉语中说的含着金钥匙出生的人,指很有钱,但是这些钱大多是继承而来的。
Prince of Point Piper: Point Piper is generally regarded as the most exclusive residential suburb in Australia. Wolseley Road, Point Piper, is currently ranked the 9th most expensive street in the world, at $38,900 persquare metre.
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