
The AFP released this photo of the suitcase.
快来看看这个箱子~ 是你掉的吗?里面有160万澳币的现金坐等领取!
"It's mine. Won it at the casino last night," one commenter wrote on Facebook. 一个人在脸书上留言说,“这是我的,昨晚在赌场赢的”
是嘛... 那我们可能需要谈谈了
-------- 以下是新闻原文,读一读锻炼英语能力,注意单词和时态的运用--------
Police are searching for the person who left a suitcase containing more than a million dollars in cash in a warehouse in western Sydney.
Police officers were investigating a suspected drug importation when they found the suitcase containing $1.6m in cash in Wetherill Park.
They have since listed the lost fortune as unclaimed cash but are searching for the person connected to it.
"We'd be very keen to speak with you," Australian Federal Police posted on social media today.
"And by speak with you, we definitely mean to ask where you got a suitcase full of cash from. We have a sneaking suspicion this isn't your average pay packet."
The find drew a wave of comments online from users jokingly claiming the cash as theirs.
"It's mine. Won it at the casino last night," one commenter wrote on Facebook.
"Awkward, we found it before that...", came the reply from the AFP.
When another user asked where they could claim the cash, the AFP's social media producer sassily replied, "prison".
"If you own this money, or know who does, please contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000," police said.
Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/national/2017/07/03/15/31/police-search-for-owner-of-1-6m-cash#oyJYGgbSGoMHD51A.99
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