每周必做的re-order paragraph又来啦!!上次的答案是AAB,有不少童鞋都做对了捏! 那么这次我们不那么粗暴了~回归65分难度,看看有没有提高哦!
1). If you are used to having your stimulation come in from outside, your mind never develops its own habits of thinking and reflecting
2). Marx thought that religion was the opiate, because it soothed people’s pain and suffering and prevented them from rising in rebellion
3). If Karl Marx was alive today, he would say that television is the opiate of the people.
4). Television and similar entertainments are even more of an opiate because of their addictive tendencies.
A.2134 B.1423 C.2431 D.3241
1). A difference in the frequency of usage of counter proposing between skilled and average negotiators suggests that counter proposing may not be, as effective one tends to think it would be.
2). I may have suggested that my son buy a pair of trousers at a certain price whereas my son would have made a counterproposal that he would rather buy two pairs at half price each.
3). Research conducted across several negotiators ranging from sales negotiators to purchase and labour negotiators shows that average negotiators tend to counter propose more often than skilled negotiators.
4). This happens in everyday life too.
5). Think back to the last time you were discussing completing an assignment with one of your colleagues : you may have suggested that you both come in on Saturday to finish the work and your colleague may have counter proposed that you could stay back on Friday evening and finish it instead.
A.31452 B.52134 C.12534 D.34521
1). Thrills, ranging from video games to burgers cover the rest.
2). This is because the returns from browsing cover only a percentage of your costs.
3). The bigger your cafe, the more is the need for additional mean of income.
4). Some cafes can get away with being plain vanilla.
5). These fruits will make your clients spend more time with you and also add to your profits.
6). But others cannot.
A. 463215 B.423156 C.321564 D.346215
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