没关系,GMT Markets近期开通全澳顶级的免费线上授课! 两堂课让你了解如何面对突发事件,除了储备粮食,同样储备技能,对资产进行保值和增值! 想报名参与的小伙伴请看以下信息GMT Markets全网线上外汇系列公开课精品入门 时间:3月3日,周二,晚7:30pm(澳东时间) 内容:澳元为何跌跌不休?如何在各种突发事件来临时对资产进行保值和增值 GMT Markets全网线上外汇系列公开课进阶策略研讨会 时间:3月8日,周日,晚7:30pm(澳东时间) 内容:黄金还能再涨嘛?现在如何制定投资组合最合适? 系列公开课报名电话:1800 468 658 / 0448 038 885或扫码报名: 不吃饱我们怎么对抗疫情!不赚钱我们如何让我们吃的更好!快快扫码报名吧,每堂网课都有2只龙虾送! 希望疫情尽快退去,希望繁华热闹的墨村重新登场!相信我们一定可以众志成城,休戚与共,打赢这场无烟的战役! DisclaimerInvesting in GMT Markets derivative products carries significant risks and is not suitable for all investors. The Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for this product is available from GMT Markets – you should consider it before you enter into any transaction with us. We only provide general advice that does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. GMT Markets does not issue advice, recommendations or opinion in relation to acquiring, holding or disposing of our products. GMT Markets is not a financial advisor. We recommend that you seek independent advice and ensure you fully understand the risks involved before trading. You do not own or have any interest in the underlying asset.It’s important for you to consider the relevant PDS and any other relevant GMT Markets Documents before you decide whether or not to acquire any of the financial products.GMT Markets is the registered business name of GMTK Global Pty. Ltd. and is regulated by ASIC (AFSL: 400364, ACN: 147 766 336).