聚澳现场 |“体现最完美的你”—澳亚商业职业女性协会携手国际妇女工商联合会联合举办盛大晚宴

2021年12月08日 聚澳传媒

Bringing Out The Best In You


Series 4 joint event between 




Due to the COVID lockdown, the 3 times 6 months postponed Annual event of Australian Asian Business & Professional Women’s Association (AABWA)-Bringing Out the Best in You series4 finally took place at the well-known Kooyong Tennis Club on 1st December. 

It was a joint event between AABWA and the International Women Federation of Commerce and Industry (IWFCI). It was

a true multi cultural celebration  among 180 different backgrounds of business and professional women.

因为疫情而一再被延迟的澳亚商业职业女性协会(以下简称AABWA)一年一度的大型系列活动“Bringing Out The Best In You”的第四期在著名的Kooyong Tennis Club”于12月1号正式隆重推出,这场主要对会员开放的活动携手国际妇女工商联合会(以下简称IWFCI)共同举办。约180名中外职业女性盛装出席。

AABWA President, Jane Wei, and IWFCI’s founder and international chairman Diana Abruzzi welcomed everyone.

Jane Wei shared an overview of the AABWA’s Purpose and Vision.

She said: “At AABWA, we put our members’ interests upfront. AABWA is a place where Australian Asian Business and Professional Women are connected, inspired and empowered to realise their talents and their full potential that is aligned with their passions and life purposes. The vision is Leadership, Success and Contribution to Society.”

AABWA会长Jane Wei在致辞中重申了协会的宗旨“引领、成就、奉献”。她说:“协会重视每一位会员的利益以及在协会中的收获。我们为了鼓励职业女性之间加强联系,彼此启发,共同成就搭建了这样一个平台。’商者无域,相融共生‘,我们期待帮助大家打破圈层、种族、固有思维的界限,期望所有职业女性最终都也能为这个社会做出自己应有的奉献。”

Diana Abruzzi said: IWFCI was established in 1992, with branches all over the world, where members are now trading with each other across borders, fulfilling their own personal aspirations and dreams.


They both welcomed the opportunity of coming together, forging a new friendship and solidarity between our two organisations.

Keynote speaker Dr. Susan Alberti AC, an Australian businesswoman, philanthropist and former Vice President of the Western Bulldogs Football Club gave a wonderful speech.

She has had a splendid life with many ups and downs. She lost her beloved relatives, but was able to manage the business left by her husband during his lifetime and became a female pioneer in the construction industry. When the beloved football club suffered a disaster, she turned the tide and brought back the banner of victory and glory. She was also the first person to introduce AFL into women's football. The uneven life path made her aware more about caring and established the Susan Alberti Medical Research Foundation.

随后,演讲嘉宾Susan Alberti 为大家做了精彩演讲。她有着跌宕起伏的人生,却精彩纷呈。她痛失至亲,却成功打理丈夫生前留下的生意,成为建筑业女性先驱。当心爱的足球俱乐部遭遇灭顶之灾时,她力挽狂澜,带回了胜利与荣耀的旗帜。她也是让AFL引入女性足球运动的第一人。不平坦的人生路让她更懂得关爱,并建立了Susan Alberti Medical Research Foundation。

Next, Yi Wang, the Principal First Violin of the Australian Chamber Orchestra performed with and the 2013 ABC Young Performer of the Year Award winner Hoang Pham. Everyone gave them warmest applause.

接下来,现任职澳洲维多利亚管弦乐团代理首席, 被称为“澳洲瓦伦特尔弦乐四重奏第一小提琴手”并曾担任英国威尔士歌剧院副首席,墨尔本交响乐团、维多利亚管弦乐团副首席的著名小提琴家王毅和曾在2013年就赢得 ABC 年度青年表演者奖的青年钢琴家Hoang Pham 为嘉宾们带来了两首二重奏曲目,赢得阵阵掌声。

In addition to being inspired by Dr. Susan Alberti's speech and enjoying the beauty of music amidst the sound of the piano, every guest present at the venue also gained a lot from the support of many sponsors.

每位到场嘉宾除了在Dr. Susan Alberti的演讲中受到鼓舞,在琴声中享受音乐的美好,更是在众多赞助商的支持下收获满满。

Every presenter received a gift provided by the event sponsors. All 180 guests received a big gift bag. Guests who purchase raffle tickets to support the Susan Alberti Medical Research Foundation also gained an additional chance to win a Prize.

There were over 20 sponsors for this event, among which gift vouchers worth $2399 Australian dollars was given out in the form of a fun auction.

每位到场嘉宾都获得了由主办方协同赞助商提供的礼品。购买抽奖券支持Dr. Susan Alberti 医学研究基金会的嘉宾还有额外抽奖机会。活动共20多家赞助商,其中价值2399澳币的购物券以趣味拍卖的形式送出。

The event was held in an atmosphere of joy and excitement, all guests were very involved and connected.

10pm晚宴进入尾声,AABWA主席魏绢和国际妇女工商联合会主席Diana Abruzzi逐一感谢了为这次活动无私奉献的组织者和义务工作者。


A big thanks to all sponsors. We have 6 sponsors who have contributed to the 180 goodie bags. They are: 

Pettavel Australia Pty Ltd;

CBR Development Group;

HousePro Group;

Global Online AusAsia Risk Management, Audit & Cultural Business Skills Training/Global Atomy Prosumer of Online Shopping;

Biggin&Scott Boroondara Real Estate;

Hui Energetic TLS Studio.

Rose Chen the market director of CBR Development Group 

Lily Wang the found of Pettavel Australia Pty Ltd


Rachael Mah the founder of Global Online AusAsia Risk Management  

Casey Jiang the founder of Housepro Group        

Hui Chen the founder of Hui Energetic TLS Studio

Lucky draw sponsors are:

Leura Revitalizing Lab(卉心悦容)


Kimcco International Ltd 

JG Accounting Pty Ltd

   BBE Training Academy

Elite Makeup Studio

Yingda Pty Ltd

C&U Australian PTY LTD

AROMABABY Natural Skincare

Red Moon Art Gallery

Rising Industry & Trade P/L 


Cool Clutch Bags

International Women federation of Commence & industry(IWFCI)

Media sponsors: 






The following are photographs taken at the event, showing the excitement of the celebration.


-   E N D   -


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