
2017年11月17日 雅学粉思



You are doing an internship at a laboratory in a secluded area


You need to escape the horrible zombies.


The janitor, the lab assistant, and the old professor are with you.


There is only one way to flee, across the bridge over deadly river.


Here are the facts: You can make it to cross the bridge in one minute.


The lab assistant needs two minutes.


The janitor is a bit slower and takes five minutes.


And the professor needs 10 whole minutes, because he needs to hold tight to the ropes of the bridge every step of the way.


According to the professor’s calculations, the zombies will reach you in just 17 minutes.


You have only got until then to cross the bridge and cut off the ropes on the other side。


Sadly, the bridge can only take two people at a time.


Also, it’s also dark that you can hardly see anything.


The lantern you quickly took along only lights up a small area.


Can you manage to get everyone across?


Remember, only two people can cross the bridge together, and one of them has to hold the lantern. There is only one lantern.


The people waiting at either side of the bridge can do without the lantern.



The secret is to minimize time by letting the two slowest people cross the bridge together, and the two fastest hold the lamp.


So first, you need to cross the bridge with lab assistant. After two minutes, you, being the fastest, can bring the lantern back to the other side.


So, it has taken three minutes so far. Fourteen minutes left until the zombies are back.


Next, the professor and the janitor take the lantern and cross the bridge together. That will take 10 minutes. 


Now you’ve got 4 minutes left, and you are on the wrong side of the bridge. 


Luckily, the lab assistant, the second-fastest is waiting on the other side. She takes the lantern and runs across to you. 


Now you can use the remaining two minutes to cross the bridge together.


As soon as you’ve arrived on the other side, you can cut off the rope just in time.


Did you solve the riddle?











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