下面我们就来看看上周考试的小伙伴们的考场反馈,see 1 see他们都遇到了哪些真题吧~
Competence in mathematics was another trouble spot. More than half said that their real task school’s graduates are deficient in mathematics, more than 10 percent of respondents said college’s graduates are deficient in the subject, while 70 percent said they are adequate.
Grand Canyon
Few things in the world produce such amazement as one’s first of clippers of the Grand Canyon; it took around more than 2 billion years to create this vast wonder- in some places. 17 miles wide, largely through the relentless force of Colorado River, which runs 277 miles along its length, a mile beneath its towering rims.
Japanese tea and Buddhism
The Japanese tea ceremony is a tour influenced by Buddhism /in which green tea is prepared and served /to a small group of guests /in a peaceful setting. //The ceremony can take as long as four hours /and there are many traditional gestures /that both the server and the guest must perform.
Legal writing
Legal writing is usually less discursive than writing in other humanities subjects, and precision is more important than variety. Sentence structure should not be too complex; it is usually unnecessary to make extensive use of adjectives or adverbs, and consistency of terms is often required.
Exhilarating, exhausting and intense. There are just some of the words used to describe doing and MBA. Everyone’s experience of doing MBA is, of course, different through denying that its hard and a demanding work whichever course you do. MBA is one of the fastest growing areas of studying tin the UK so that must be a sustainable benefit against form in one pain.
Australian slang
Australians do speak English, however, for some tourists and travelers, it can be difficult to understand the slang. Also, the links between Australian and American English were seen to be very tenuous. At least some colloquialisms in Australian English does not exist in other types of English.
Statistical information
The provision of accurate and authoritative statistical information strengthens modern societies. It provides a basis for decisions to be made on such things as where to open schools and hospitals, how much money to spend on welfare payments and even which football players to replace at half-time.
While blue is one of the most popular colors, it is one of the least appetizing. Blue food is rare in nature. Food researchers say that when humans searched for food, they learned to avoid toxic or spoiled objects, which were often blue, black or purple. When food dyed blue is served to study subjects, they lose appetite.
Northcote Parkinson, a British writer, formulated Parkinson’s rule: “work expands to fill the time allocated to it, or conversely, the amount of work completed is in inverse proportion to the number of people employed.” Simply said: if you have an hour to do a 5-minute job, it will take an hour to do it. A large number of people accomplish less work than a smaller number of people.
Composition of body
Your body’s composed of trillions of cells. Lots of different types of cells that make up different organs and other parts of your body. Your body is also where 10 times that number of bacteria call ‘home sweet home’. But don’t be afraid-these bacteria do more good than harm to you. And besides, just in case you wanted to strike up a conversation with your tenants, you and your bacteria do have a few things in common.
1. Would you pass the material text book on the table?
2. The gap between the rich and the poor was not decreased rapidly as expected
3. The critical literature theory will continue broadening the interpretation.
4. In English, the months of the year are always capitalized.
5. You must complete this chapter before going to the field trip.
6. We developed a method for evaluation of dynamic changes.
7. Some methods for clinical applications have been presented as well.
8. Please sort and order the slides of the presentation according to topic and sppech time.
9. Fish is for sport, meat is for surviving.
10. The professor will be the last speaker this evening.
1. What is the main harmful content in the cigarette?
2. How many hemisphere does the equator divide earth into?
3. What is the wet place does crocodile prefer to live?
4. Sea level rise or down due to climate change?
5. What are your options in gender when you completing an application form?
答:(Male and Female)
6. when you get lost in city, what item do you need to buy to find out where you are and where you go?
7. What's the name of the company that produce books?
8. What do we call the liquid which is in a car
9. What do you go to send mails, a post office or a coffee house?
答:(Post office)
10. What do we call a document protecting people's works?
答:(Patent / Copyright)

回忆要点:一段视频,关于印度还是非洲的女士在回忆在说话,背景是黑色的,内容是关于什么effectt extremely,要怎样solar system。
Cars in Washington
Doing research:
Dead sea creatures:
回忆要点:内容主题是关于几百万年前死海的生物和oil and nature gas formation 和oil drilling。然后说石油是由几百万年前死海生物形成的。
Machine learning:
回忆要点:讲的是机器学习大数据,举了大堡礁The Great Barrier Reef为例子,因为大堡礁很大,有900个小岛屿,所以很难检测,利用大数据可以从mathematical and statistical 进行保护工作。
Glass ceiling


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