SST题型技巧归纳PTE要想取得不错的成绩,真的是要有一定的‘summary’的基础的,因为呢?这个不仅听力会考到,口语,阅读,写作也同样需要哦Q考了好几次雅思了,不习惯做总结类型的题目,做的时候总是心里没底,如何提高总结的能力呢?小编首先来说说考查什么,考生需要听2至3个1至1.5分钟的英文演讲,然后在10分钟内写出50至70字的summary. 由于听力都是考学术内容哦,建议平时就要了解学术文章常见的结构。 有意识的联系下自己的快速记忆能力也是有帮助的哦,学会记笔记,不是越多越详细越好,一定要抓住重点,记录一些可以帮助自己回忆起更多的词。另外,加强心理素质,哈哈,遇到不懂的词汇也是很常见的,千万不要担心,放平静,继续听下去,也许理解全句的意思也没什么困难的,只要不影响总结。写summary的时候要抓住重点,控制好自己的字数。key ability能听懂不同的口音有效率的记录笔记具备提取有用信息的能力控制总结字数的能力考生本身的理解能力和记忆能力exampleWell, what I want to focus on now is climate change, more specifically on the fact that climate change is a result of human activities, Now there has been some disagreement regarding the extent to which human activity can be blamed for climate change but I want to argue that there is evidence which clearly demonstrates that our own actions really are causing a genuine threat. The available evidence seems to indicate fairly conclusively that land and sea temperatures started to increase acound 200 years ago. So. what's the significance of this? Well, 200 years ago roughly coincides with the beginning of the industrial revolution in the northern hemisphere. In other words, this was when our production of harmful hases really got going as a result of increased industrialisation. Since that time our production of gases has accelerated due to the fact that not only has industry grown in size but it has also now spread to the southern hemisphere. Indeed, most parts of the world. So, in the last 200 years, as industry has grown we can see a gradual rise in the temperatures which, to my mind is sufficient proof of the damaging effect of our actions and needless to say it's an issue which we need to address. 点评这篇的生词并不多,结构也很简单。在文章中出现了气温的升降,加速,缓慢,这些关键点都可以记录下来,太长的单词大家也可以用中文或者缩写代替哦。最后总结注意下不要字数过多就好。参考答案 In the last two hundred years, the industrial revolution has led to the growth of industry worldwide. The result of this growth means that more and more harmful gases are released into the atmosphere. In the same period, sea and land temperatures have risen noticeably. Therefore, according to the speaker climate change is the result of human activity.所谓名师出高徒,来认识下我们Titan老师吧(谨防假冒的哦): 12PTE资深讲师、T-Mate教育创始人Titan ZHANG 他是悉尼最早的PTE华人老师之一,听说读写四项满分的他最擅长在短时间内帮助学生掌握PTE解题思路,攻破65/79分大关;教学中能够切合考点,逐一解析,使难点简单化。善于钻研考试规律、不断创新,立志于用最少的时间、用最科学有效的方法,快速提高考试成绩。想要了解更多的技巧和真题,请找Titan老师咨询哟。Titan老师最近的课程安排如下: