点击上方“悉尼PTEtutorTITAN”可订阅哦! Read Aloud练起来!Read Aloud练起来!Read Aloud练起来! 想知道自己的read aloud读的怎么样?直接发语音给我们吧!Titan老师坐镇点评哦! 毕竟练了再多还不如多多精读了解每一句到底该怎么念好而不是盲目刷练习的数量 PS:句内断句要比在句号时的停顿短哟 The first was the remarkable explosion of thought in early Athens, sparked by Socrates and continued by Plato, Aristotle and their followers. Then came the great flowering in northern Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, when a diverse group of thinkers questioned received opinion and put their faith in reason in what is now known as the Enlightenment. 推荐这样断句:The first was the remarkable explosion of thought in early Athens | sparked by Socrates and continued by Plato | Aristotle | and their followers | Then came the great flowering in northern Europe | in the 17th and 18th centuries | when a diverse group of thinkers | questioned received opinion | and put their faith in reason | in what is now known as the Enlightenment. 小科普:这句句子是从一片关于哲学方面的文章中截取出来的。不看source,同学们可以从Socrates这个名字看出来(不认识的同学,Socrates就是苏格拉底)。一般读到人名我们都推荐断句哟。 Source:http://www.economist.com/news/books-and-arts/21706235-well-documented-account-second-golden-age-western-philosophy-seeing-light “LET’S Uber.” Few companies offer something so popular that their name becomes a verb. But that is one of the many achievements of Uber, a company founded in 2009 which is now the world’s most valuable startup, worth around $70 billion. 推荐这样断句:“LET’S Uber.” | Few companies offer something so popular | that their name becomes a verb | But | that is one of the many achievements of Uber | a company founded in 2009 | which is now the world’s most valuable startup | worth around $70 billion. 小科普:自从澳大利亚Legalise Uber之后,很多Taxi司机开始抗议。因为从本质上来说,在澳洲,UberX就是没有Taxi牌照的Taxi而已。澳洲Taxi的不再受欢迎的根本原因是:服务太差! Source:http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21706258-worlds-most-valuable-startup-leading-race-transform-future?fsrc=permar|image1 The commission concluded that Irish rulings in 1991 and 2007 artificially lowered the tax Apple was due to pay, and that although the firm did not break any law, this arrangement was in breach of EU state-aid rules preventing member states from offering preferential treatment to particular firms.推荐这样断句:The commission concluded that | Irish rulings in 1991 and 2007 | artificially lowered the tax | Apple was due to pay | and that | although the firm did not break any law | this arrangement was in breach of EU state-aid rules | preventing member states from offering preferential treatment to particular firms. 小科普:苹果公司作为跨国企业,因为各个国家政策的不同,在税务方面引起了针轮。 Source:http://www.economist.com/news/business/21706238-european-commissions-huge-penalty-against-apple-opens-up-new-front-war-tax?fsrc=permar|image3 Leaders of the world's largest economies are convinced that "trade and investment openness" are essential to stop an economic decline, and competitive protectionism would further damage the global economy, sources said. But there are serious questions about whether they would take steps to implement the joint position because it would mean short term economic sacrifices. 推荐这样断句:Leaders of the world's largest economies | are convinced that | "trade and investment openness" are essential to stop an economic decline | and competitive protectionism would further damage the global economy | sources said. But there are serious questions about | whether they would take steps to implement the joint position | because it would mean short term economic sacrifices. 小科普:为了保证杭州G20的顺利进行,杭州采取了各种各样的安检措施,有网友称,连妹子们扎个丸子头也要被捏一下呢! Source:http://www.voanews.com/a/g20-china-trade/3492531.html 今日的Read aloud练习完成啦! 大家可以直接发语音至公众号,Titan老师会抽空为大家一一点评的哟~~ 为什么选择Titan老师呢?Titan老师是悉尼最早的PTE华人老师,听说读写四项满分,他最擅长在短时间内帮助学生掌握PTE解题思路,攻破65/79分大关,取得理想成绩。(PS: PTE 满分90分; 65分等于雅思7分,79分等于雅思8分)本公众号旨在为大家提供PTE最新考试信息和技巧,创造一个交流平台,给各位考生带来福利。不论你在世界哪个城市,只要动动手指,点击关注Titan老师的公众平台,就能抢先了解PTE考试相关的最新资讯。 想要了解更多的技巧和真题,请找Titan老师咨询哟。Titan老师最近的课程安排如下:面授 网课 回复1 - 查看最新课程信息回复2 - 查看PTE与雅思分数换算表回复3 - 试听网课/视频课回复4 - 查看PTE Academic考试简介回复5 - 查看PTE官方模考网站回复6 - 查看PTE考试地点回复7 - 免费口语试听课程回复8 - 查看澳大利亚移民局PTE具体要求回复9 - 获得PTE Voucher 10% OFF!!