每周必做的re-order paragraph又来啦!!上次的答案是CEC,有不少童鞋都做对了捏! 那么这次我们不那么粗暴了~回归65分难度,看看有没有提高哦!
1). But in the industrial era destroying the enemy’s productive capacity means bombing the factories which are located in the cities.
2). So in the agrarian era, if you need to destroy the enemy’s productive capacity, what you want to do is bum his fields, or if you’re really vicious, salt them.
3). Now in the information era, destroying the enemy’s productive capacity means destroying the information infrastructure.
4). How do you do battle with your enemy?
5). The idea is to destroy the enemy’s productive capacity, and depending upon the economic foundation, that productive capacity is different in each case.
6). With regard to defence, the purpose of the military is to defend the nation and be prepared to do battle with its enemy.
A. 645213 B.631254 C.452136 D.465213
1). Electronic transactions are happening in closed group networks and Internet. Electronic commerce is one of the most important aspects of Internet to emerge.
2). Cash transactions offer both privacy and anonymity as it does not contain information that can be used to identify the parties nor the transaction history.
3). To support e-commerce, we need effective payment systems and secure communication channels and data integrity.
4). The whole structure of traditional money is built on faith and so will electronic money have to be.
5). Moreover, money is worth what it is because we have come to accept it.
A.25413 B.12534 C.45123 D.43521
1). Food manufactures spend more on advertising than any other manufacturing group and the nation's grocery stores rank first among all retailers.
2). Food product lead in expenditures for network and spot television advertisements, discount coupons, trading stamps, contests, and other forms of premium advertising.
3). Foods are overwhelming the most advertised group of all consumer products in the U.S.
4). In other media- newspapers, magazines, newspaper supplements, billboard and radio, food advertising expenditures rank near the top.
A.3421 B.3241 C.3142 D.4132
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