A | ||
Infinitive (动词原形) | Simple Past (过去分词) | Past Participle (完成分词) |
arise get or stand up 升起 | arose | arisen |
awake wake from sleep 醒来 | awaked / awoke | awoke / awaked / awoken |
B | ||
Infinitive (动词原形) | Simple Past (过去分词) | Past Participle (完成分词) |
backslide relapse into bad ways or error堕落 | backslid | backslid |
be exist 是,存在 | was, were | been |
bear something that is difficult to do or deal with 忍受 | bore | born / borne |
beat To strike repeatedly 击打 | beat | beaten / beat |
become To grow or come to be 变成 | became | become |
begin perform or undergo the first part of an action or activity. 开始 | began | begun |
bend shape or force (something straight) into a curve or angle 弯曲 | bent | bent |
bet risk a sum of money or valued item against someone else's on the basis of the outcome of an unpredictable event such as a race or game.打赌,赌注 | bet / betted | bet / betted |
bid farewell phrasal verb 告别 | bid / bade | bidden |
bid offer amount 出价 | bid | bid |
bind tie or fasten (something) tightly together.装订 捆扎 | bound | bound |
bite you use your teeth to cut into it 咬 | bit | bitten |
bleed lose blood from the body as a result of injury or illness.流血 | bled | bled |
blow move creating an air current.吹 | blew | blown |
break it suddenly separates into two or more pieces 打破 | broke | broken |
breed (of animals) mate and then produce offspring.培育 | bred | bred |
bring to come with (something or someone) to a place 带来 | brought | brought |
broadcast cast or scattered in all directions 广播 | broadcast / broadcasted | broadcast / broadcasted |
build to make (something) by putting together parts or materials 建造 | built | built |
burn to be on fire 燃烧 | burned / burnt | burned / burnt |
burst break open or into pieces in a sudden and violent way 爆炸 | burst | burst |
bust break it or damage it so badly that it cannot be used. 打破 | busted / bust | busted / bust |
buy you obtain it by paying money for it. 购买 | bought | bought |
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