【每日一练】Re-order Paragraphs(5)

2016年07月25日 悉尼PTEtutorTITAN


上周大家很踊跃的回答了reorder paragraph的题目,答案为BDB,小伙伴们答对了多少捏这一次继续给大家出79分难度的阅读,希望大家能拿下哦!


1). The credit rating agencies use legions of high trained analyst with access to top management.

2). Their meticulous reports giving ratings for corporate bonds are designed to give an accurate picture of the bonds riskiness and ultimately the probability of default.

3). Lately, the credit-rating agencies have struggled to keep up.

4). It seems a bond rating tells you even less about the price that investors are willing to pay.

5). In 1999 two-third of the debt rated triple B by standard and poor was priced within 20 basis points of the average bond with the same rating.

A.45123        B.34215        C.12345        D.23415


1). Wonder is marvellous, but it is also cruel, cruel, cruel.
2). We have paid a terrible price for our education, such as it is.
3). Of course, wonder is costly because it is the antithesis of the anxiously worshipped security.
4). The Magian World View, in so far as it exists, has taken flight into science.
5). We have educated ourselves into a world from which wonder has been banished.

A.24531        B.54132        C.13245        D.43215        E.31254


1). Behaviour is just the evidence for mind, not its very nature.

2). The view that a mind can be reduced to patterns in behaviour is a hypothesis long abandoned.

3). Thus you can act as if you are in pain and not really be in pain.

4). The turning test, one may say, is seriously flawed.

A.1324        B.2134        C.4213        D.4123

T-Mate EDU假期8月集训班已报满,9月课程开放报名。9月课程改革请注意)9月共三期小班课及一期真题班,想参加的同学请提早报名哦~


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