点击上方“悉尼PTEtutorTitan”可订阅哦!在题海中寻找答案你需要——Skimming对于PTE考试的阅读和写作部分来说,一定有同学有这样的经历,做题做到最后总是有那么一两道题直接被电脑切掉,留下考试的遗憾。首先,你要明白语言考试并不是考查你认识所有单词,因此即便忽略“某些”信息,也绝不会影响你的成绩。读懂不等于读完整!毫无疑问,阅读上吃亏的童鞋,不仅要加快阅读速度,最重要的就是通过“skimming”来过滤有效信息和关键点了,从而避免浪费时间在阅读无效信息上。如何有效的运用skimming?又有哪些答题策略?今天的推送文章一一为你进行详细讲解。PTE Academic is a timed exam. Students are expected to read paragraphs of texts and answer several questions under timed conditions. An important strategy to use for all the sections of the exam, especially in the reading and writing section is skimming. By skimming the text and identifying the key ideas, tone and intent of the author students will save valuable time and can focus on answering the question instead of reading the text.What is skimming? 什么是Skimming?Skimming is gliding through the text to identify key ideas and to disregard irrelevant information.The next question is “How do I skim a text?” PTE Skimming应该怎么做?To answer that question, let’s consider some strategies: always read the first sentence of the paragraph, this is the topic sentence and identifies what the paragraph will talk about. If you understand the first sentence well, move on to the next sentence. Now, in this sentence, identify the subject and the verb of the sentence. This will then further clarify what was stated in the first sentence. Continue to do this for the rest of the sentence in the paragraph. When you reach the last sentence, read that sentence because that is usually the concluding sentence and summarizes what the paragraph is talking about.Let’s put things into perspective by looking at an example. 联系一道Summarize written text实例People have a right to know about those in power. In the case of politicians, the public should be aware of corruption or inappropriate behavior. The public also has a right to access the lives of celebrities, who generate revenue by making films, music, TV, sporting appearances or concerts, because their income is dependent on the general public. 解析 By reading the first sentence, you know that the paragraph will talk about the rights of individuals to know about those in power. The second sentence talks about politicians, this exemplifies the phrase ‘those in power’ of the first sentence. The subject for the second sentence is ‘people’ and the verb phrase is ‘should be aware’. By reading this you know that this sentence is talking about the rights of people to be aware right away without having to finish reading the sentence. The third sentence further explains the concepts and provides specific examples.答案 From this paragraph, it is apparent that the key idea is in the first sentence, and the meaning of the entire paragraph can be summarized into: “People have a right to know about those in power, including politicians and celebrities.”你一定会很惊讶,居然skimming下来paragraph只有只有十几个单词?!其实根据PTE考试的summarize written text题来说,需要你用一句话(不超过75words)来总结大约up to 300word的文章,也就是说要精炼到原文的四分之一甚至更少的文字!!难怪skimming可以帮到你写作阅读题目!😉读完了是不是觉得还不够??这点秘籍怎么够准备考试!!想要获取收录近千页pte考试真题复习资料吗?? 想要在短期内冲击pte 65分甚至79分吗?? 你可以参加我们的网络/面授/视频培训班,多种形式,时间灵活,还有💯满分大神亲自指导,还怕这种题型拿不了高分吗?? 拿到10分甚至20分的移民语言加分也是分分钟的事!!!! Titan ZhangT-mate首席讲师来自悉尼的PTE四项满分大神Titan老师,不但是悉尼第一位华人PTE老师,同时特别擅长知识点制作成最易学生消化的模式,在短期内帮助学生达到65分(等同雅思7分水平)。在sydpte成立的短短1年时间内,已经帮助多位考生顺利通过考试,进入理想学院,获得移民身份。重要提示:我们的网络课程和面授课程都十分热门,9月班也即将满员,名额有限,需要备考的童鞋请尽快报名确定座位,早日通过考试,搞定升学移民,实现人生梦想! 最新网课课表 最新面授课表关注“悉尼PTEtutorTitan”实时跟培生姐互动定期跟titan老师相约 回复“1”即可查课最新课程信息【实时更新】回复“2”查看PTE与雅思分数换算表回复“3”查看PTE成绩单样式回复“4”查看PTE Academic考试简介回复“5”查看PTE官方模考网站回复“6”查看PTE考点回复“7”一眼看穿describe image回复“约”,就能免费试听!回复“我是学霸”能干嘛?你猜:)回复“我要报名”能直接找到titan老师微信哦!公众号ID:sydPTE关注悉尼PTEtutorTITAN,不但有最新最全的PTE考试资讯,更有机会收到悉尼PTE培训第一人Titan老师亲自答疑,为你考试助力。