

From meadows of rare flora to herds of endangered wildlife like snow leopards and red foxes, this Himalayan hotspot is a perfect place to become one with the Earth.

Saying you got to see – let alone climb – Mount Everest is the ultimate humble brag. Hop on the extreme-hiking bandwagon that’ll lead you 29, 029 feet in the air – high enough to hug an airplane.
珠穆朗玛峰为地球第一高峰,属于喜马拉雅山脉,位于中国与尼泊尔边界上。按2005年中国国家测绘局测量的岩面高为8,844.43米,尼泊尔则使用传统的雪盖高8,848米。 除去是海拔最高的山峰之外,它也是距离地心第五远的高峰。

Great and blue it certainly is. This abyss-like 153,000-year-old diver's paradise is the best when you get to the bottom of it, where you can peep some of the world's most unique species of fish, like the Midnight Parrotfish.

A railway enveloped entirely in leaves, this cozy little cavern would be the perfect meditation retreat – if only the train didn’t come thrice a day.
一个被绿叶包围的火车道 - 充满爱的隧道。

More than just an enormous habitat block in Sierra Nevada, this valley rife with glaciers, waterfalls and meadows makes it an obvious sightseeing choice.

A snowball-throw from the Yukon border, we wish Canadians could take credit for these icefields. Ditch that run-of-the-mill Caribbean cruise and opt for a hiking trip at this UNESCO World Heritage site instead.

What do you get when several prehistoric lakes go through a sequential transformation? The vast salt-flat of Salar De Uyuni, of course. Completely devoid of wildlife, the stillness of this Bolivian gem just contributes to its allure.

Twenty four million years will do that to you! That is, result in red sandstone accumulations composing a rainbow-lined work of natural perfection.

The subject of heaps of poetry and love songs, all the candles and disco balls in the world would pale in comparison to winter's gift of the aurora borealis, a natural phenomenon that occurs when solar winds and the Earth's magnetic fields interact.
所有诗歌和爱情的主题 - 北极光。

Way cooler than anything Disney World could ever recreate, tiny bioluminescent glowworms hang from the cave's ceiling as visitors gaze in awe from the comfort of a raft below.

Unlike the deceptively not-red-at-all Red Sea, this twisting body of water located in the biggest marsh in the world slithers its way through Chenopodiaceae plants, to which its crimson hue is owed.

You’ve read about phytoplankton (microalgae) in textbooks, but have you seen them work their magic? They cast an eerie glowing blue light on the water, useful in the event that you forget your flashlight.

Yes, this is real life. No, you're not dreaming. Waiotapu, New Zealand's famous hot spring got its name from its high levels of carbon dioxide, the prime 'ingredient' in bubbly.

Still afraid of the algae at the bottom of the lake? Not after learning microscopic bits of it created this Barbie-heaven of a lake.
在特定氣候條件下,由於水中的藻類高度集中,湖水將轉變為柔和的粉紅色。 您可以漫步至粉紅湖(Pink Lake)觀景點,欣賞絕美的景色。

Recognized as one of the Seven Wonders of Africa, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is a microcosm of all things beautiful in the world: The largest inert and unfilled volcano has been home to 25,000 animals for the last three million years.

Rumor has it that a goddess dropped a mirror given to her by her lover into this lake, leaving it to shatter into 108 pieces. The stunning 108 lakes vary in colour depending on depth and particular natural contents on its floor.
总面积约620km²,约有52%的面积被原始森林所覆盖,期间夹生箭竹和各种奇花异草,也有诸多野生动物栖息于此,如大熊猫、金丝猴、白唇鹿等。在冬季,九寨沟所有海子均会结冰,唯独五花海因为湖底的泉眼影响,令湖水在冬天仍能保持在摄氏6度。 九寨沟是白水沟上游白河的支沟,以有九个藏族村寨而得名。

It's a dinosaur egg, it's a giant marble, it's a' 50-million-year-old mass of exumed condensed sediment formed beneath the ground? While you can't take them home in your pocket like you can a seashell, these massive, two foot-high spherical boulders that dot New Zealand's shore are certainly an unusual way to experience the beach.

It's like ogling at the world's most Snow White-majestic ski hill, without the need for a parka.

Where else in the world can you recreate the famous picture of the guy reading a newspaper while staying afloat in the water? At 427 metres below sea level, it's the lowest point on earth. Also worth the trip: slathering nutrient-rich Dead Sea mud until you look like a chocolate bar on legs.

Thanks to a rare form of erosion, Tasmania is the new Tetris, with its Tasman Peninsula coastline comprised of tessellated bricks.

Moderately sized for a mountain, but high in stature from a cultural standpoint, Christianity, Islam and Judaism all agree that this is where Moses received the Ten Commandments, the original listicle.

Get up close and personal to the world's largest coral reef before it's too late - its coral continues to disintegrate rapidly. It boasts thousands of islands swimming with exotic fish and intricate coral. If you ever get a chance to visit space, let us know in the comments how it looks from there.

Imagine the scent of seven million tulips filling your nostrils. If you've settled for a bouquet on Valentine's Day in the past, have your partner step it up a notch by taking you to this park during April and May, its peak floral season.
库肯霍夫,又称欧洲花园,位于荷兰利瑟附近,占地33公顷,是世界上最大的花园。根据库肯霍夫公园的官方网站,大约7,000,000株花球茎被种植于该公园内。该公园对面就是库肯霍夫城堡。 库肯霍夫公园每年3月下旬至5月上旬对外开放。

While man-made to protect the Chinese Empire, the hills, lakes and grasslands surrounding this 8,852 kilometer-long and 2,000-year-old attraction make this a trek that comes with plenty of scenic perks.
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