点击上方“公众号”可以订阅哦应对谷歌烧脑招聘面试题,看看你够聪明吗?谷歌每年收到大约2,000,000份申请,但它只雇用大约4,000人,比耶鲁和哈佛的录取率还低。很多人都被那些刁钻古怪的考试问题所难住。 网上流传的版本很多,甚至已经有些被神化的味道。但实际上总结起来,谷歌的考试题重点在考察应试者的数学运算、物理学、以及逻辑思维。 我们来试几个 一天中,时钟的时针和分针会重合几次?How many times a day do the hands of a clock overlap?答案:时针和分针每小时重叠一次,但在12小时内会重叠11次,一天之内重叠22次。这是因为在12时位置的指针重合已经计算在内。重合时间点分别是上午12:00,1:05,2:11,3:16,4:22,5:27,6:33,7:38,8:44,9:49,10:55以及下午12:00,1:05,2:11,3:16,4:22,5:27,6:33,7:38,8:44,9:49,10:55。The hands overlap once an hour, but 11 times in 12 hours and 22 times in a day. This is because the overlap at 12 has already been accounted for. The overlaps occur at 12, 1.05, 2.11, 3:16, 4:22, 5:27, 6:33, 7:38, 8:44, 9:49 and 10:55 in the morning and after midday at 12, 1.05, 2:11, 3:16, 4:22, 5:27, 6:33, 7:38, 8:44, 9:49 and 10:55. 再比如应聘者们曾经回答过这样一个令人啼笑皆非的难题:全世界有多少位钢琴调音师?How many piano tuners are there in the entire world?这类谜题被称为“费米问题”,命名来自物理学家恩里科·费米,他之所以声名远扬是因为他能够在少量的给定信息甚至没有信息的情况下进行运算。费米问题意在考察应聘者的估算能力以及量纲分析能力。那么这个问题如何解答呢?解决费米问题的方法在于通过一系列估算而无限接近正确答案。因此,应聘者需要考量一些因素,诸如:拥有钢琴的家庭户数,此类家庭进行钢琴调音的频次等,从而得出每年有多少次的钢琴调音。随后,应聘者们需要估算出钢琴调音师的平均工作时长以及工作量。The puzzle is solved by multiplying a series of estimates to get to the right answer. So a candidate would have to estimate factors such as how many households have a piano, how often they are tuned to figure out how many piano tunings take place a year.They then need to calculate the average working hours of a piano tuners and the number of jobs they carry out.因此,用每年所有家庭需要进行钢琴调音的次数除以每年每位钢琴调音师的工作量,答案就此诞生。The number of piano tunings that take place per year divided by the number per year per piano tuner should yield the answer.
谷歌的应聘试题当然不止这些啦,下面雅学妹妹再和大家分享一下谷歌人力资源的掌管人拉斯洛博克(Laszlo Bock)在他的书中《Work Rules》写的一段话。他说,谷歌在寻找一种难以命名的素质:“googleyness”。那么什么又是“googleyness”呢,以下是他的描述:特性比如享受乐趣(有谁不是呢),一定程度的谦虚(如果你不能承认你可能是错的,你将很难学到新东西),很大程度上的强有力的责任心(我们需要主人公,而不是普通员工),能够习惯不明确的问题(我们不知道我们的业务的发展,导致谷歌内部需要处理大量不能明确对错的事情),并且证明你已经在你的生活中有一些勇敢的或有趣的记录。Attributes like enjoying fun (who doesn’t), a certain dose of intellectual humility (it’s hard to learn if you can’t admit that you might be wrong), a strong measure of conscientiousness (we want owners, not employees), comfort with ambiguity (we don’t know how our business will evolve, and navigating Google internally requires dealing with a lot of ambiguity), and evidence that you’ve taken some courageous or interesting paths in your life. 本月课程已满!下个月的课程已经开始火热预定!!考生好评不断!名额有限,想要烤鸭的童鞋请提前预定座位!雅学妹妹雅思考试或远或近,你真的准备好了吗?有问题请举手:P有更多的疑问? 微信:扫一扫右边的二维码致电:(03)9042 1986 or 0452 236 868 W: www.ausielts.com.auE: [email protected]P: (03) 9042 1986 or 0423953887A: 1212, 530 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia微信号: ausIELTS本文来自网络,雅学妹妹编辑整理