
2018年03月06日 悉尼环雅

 Part I

New新题   basic基础题   frequent高频题   common一般概率题

New topics新题

1. App

What kinds of apps do you often use?

What kinds of apps would you like to have in the future?

What's the most popular app in your country?

What was the first app you used?

Do old people in your country like to use apps?

2. Dictionary

How often do you use your dictionary?

Do you like paper dictionary or electronic dictionary?

What kinds of dictionaries have you used before?

How will dictionaries change in the future?

3. Sleep

How many hours do you sleep every day?

Is it necessary to take a nap every day?

Do old people sleep a lot? Why?

How to have a good sleep?

Do you like to get up early in the morning?

Can you sleep well if you are in a noisy environment?

How many hours do you sleep at night?

What time do you go to bed?

Do you have a nap during the day?

Do you think sleep is important?

4. Season

What’s the best season of the whole year?

What do people normally in that season?

What's the weather usually like in your country (or, your hometown)?

Would you say the weather in your hometown is suitable for working (or studying)?

Would you like to move to a place with different weather?

What sort of weather do you like the most?

What season (or weather) do you think is most suitable for work and/or study?

Has the weather in your country changed much in the past few years?

Do you prefer hot or cold weather?

Do you (usually) pay attention to the weather forecasts?

5. Volunteer

Why do you think people volunteer?

Would you like to work as a volunteer?

Have you ever done any volunteer work?

Is volunteering worth the time it takes?

What could you do to help if you had no money?

What is volunteer screening?

What situations need volunteer workers?

Can you think of different types of volunteer work?

Would you volunteer to help people outside your community?

Have you read a book about volunteer work?

What types of volunteer work would be unpleasant for you?

Can a volunteer be treated the same as paid staff?

6. High school

How old were you when you started high school?

How did you get to school each day?

Tell me something about your high school. (=Can you describe it?)

Did you enjoy it? (Why?/Why not?)

What were some of the most popular activities at high school?

Have you ever returned to see your old school again?

Are you still in contact with any of the friends you had in high school?

What subjects did you study in secondary school (=high school)?

What was your favorite subject in secondary school (=high school)?

And which subject did you like the least? (Why?)

Which secondary school subject do you think is most useful for people in adult life?

What part of your secondary school education did you enjoy most?

How do you feel about your high school (secondary school)?

7. Meal / eat out

What kinds of meals do you like?

Do you often dinner with your family or friends?

When do you usually eat dinner?

Are there any fruits or vegetables you don’t like? Why?

And what is your favorite cuisine?

What kinds of meals do you like?

When do you usually eat dinner?

8. Leisure time

What do you do in your spare time?

What do you usually spend your weekends?

What do you usually do after work or classes?

Do you prefer staying at home or going out during evenings?

Do you think modern lifestyles give enough time to people for leisure?

Do you think people today have more time to relax as compared to that in past?

What do you think is the importance of leisure time in life?

Do you think old and young people spend their leisure time in the same way?

If you had a child, what leisure places would you go with your child?

Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why?

How do you spend your time in the evening?

Do you do this every evening?

9. Animal

Do you like animals?

What’s your favorite animal? Why?

Are people in your country fond of animals?

What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country?

Compared with the past, have there been any changes concerning pets in your country/hometown?

Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?

Do children like animals?

What kind of animals do you think children like?

What was your favorite animal when you were a child?

Did you have any pets when you were a child?

What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?

If you have children in the future, will you allow them to raise a pet?

10. Exercise

What do you do in your spare time?

Do you like outdoor activities?

What outdoor activities do you most like to do?

How often do you do that?

What outdoor sports do you like? (Why?)

How much time do you spend outdoors every week?

How often do you do outdoor activities?

What (types of) outdoor activities are popular in your country?

11. Ideal job

What kinds of job did you want to do in your childhood?

What’s your ideal job now?

12. Children

Do you often come into contact with children? (Where? When?)

What do you do when you are with these children?

How often do you play with children?

What activities do children do when they get together?

Is it difficult to raise children?

13. Music

Do you like music? Why / why not?

What kind of music do you listen to? Why?

Has the music that you listen to changed since you were young?

Do you think older and younger generations prefer different types of music?

Do you play any instruments?

Have you got any hobbies or interests?

14. Swimming

Do you like swimming?

Is it difficult to learn how to swim?

Where do Chinese like to go swimming?

What's the difference between swimming in the pool and swimming in the sea?

Are there many places to swim near you?

Do you think everyone should learn how to swim?

Is swimming very popular in your country?

Why do many people like swimming?

What do you think are the benefits of swimming (or, the benefits of knowing how to swim)?

15. Training

Have you ever taken any training?

What skills have you learned?

What skills do you want to learn?

How do you feel about it?

16. Boat

Do you like going boating?

Have you ever travelled by boat?

Would you like to have your own boat?

Is boat trip popular in your country?

Where in your country do people most often use/travel by boats?

Do many people in your country own their own boat?

If you had your own boat, what would you do with it?

17. Computers

How often do you use the computer?

Who taught you how to use a computer?

Do you think computers have changed your life a lot?

What kinds of computers are popular in China?

What do you usually use your computer for?

Do you think there are any disadvantages to using computers?

Computers are now used a lot in education. What do you think of this?

What computer skill(s) would you like to learn?

Basic topics基础题

18. Name

What can I call you?

Who gave you your name?

Does your name have any particular (or, special) meaning?

Do you like your name?

In your country, do people feel that their name is very important?

Would you like to change you name?

Is it easy to change your name in your country?

Who usually names babies in your country?

Do you have any special traditions about naming children?

What names are most common in your hometown?

Is your name common or unusual in your country?

19. Accommodation

What kind of accommodation do you live in? / Can you describe the place where you live?

Do you like the place that you live in?

Which is your favorite room?

What do you usually do in your house?

What kind of house would you like to have in the future?

20. Hometown

Where are you from?

What do you like and dislike about it?

What's your hometown famous for?

How often do you visit your hometown?

What’s the oldest part of your hometown?

How has your hometown changed over the years?

Is there any way your hometown could be made better?

Are there good transportation links to your hometown?

What kind of activities do people in your hometown like to do?

21. Study / work


What are you studying at the moment?

Why did you choose that major?

Do you like your subject? (Why?/Why not?)

Is it very interesting?

Is it a popular subject at your university?

If you could change to another subject, what would it be?

What do you like most about your studies?

(Possibly) Are you looking forward to working?

Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?

Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning?

What do you do to improve your learning efficiency?

What do you like and dislike about your school?


What is your job?

How did you get this job?

Do you have to work with other people?

What do you like and dislike about your work?

Do you think you will change jobs in the future?

Frequent topics高频题

22. Daily routine

What is the busiest part of the day for you?

What part of your day do you like best?

Do you usually have the same routine every day?

What is your daily routine?

Do you ever change your routine?

Do you think it is important to have a daily routine?

What would you like to change in your day to day routine?

23. News / newspapers

Do you often read newspapers?

Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?

What kinds of newspapers (or magazines) do you usually read?

How old were you when you first started to read newspapers?

Do you think it's important to read newspapers? (Why?/Why not?)

Why do you think people read newspapers?

What different types of newspaper are there in China?

Do you read news?

How often do you read news?

Do you usually read local news or international news?

Do you read news from newspaper or internet?

Do you talk about news with your friends?

24. Friend

Are your friends mostly your age or different age? Why?

Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends?

Do you usually see your friends during week or at weekends? Why?

Do you prefer to stay alone or with your friends?

The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together?

What do you prefer: going out with your friends or spending your spare time staying at home?

Do you have many friends? Why? Why not?

Are friends as important to you as family?

What do you expect from a good friend?

25. Gift

Do you like to receive gifts?(Why?/ Why not?)

What kind of gifts do you like to receive?(Why?)

What gifts did you receive in your childhood?

Do you like giving gifts to people?(Why?/ Why not?)

What gifts did you give to others in your childhood?

What occasions do people usually give gifts to others?

Do you like giving or receiving gifts?

26. Outdoor activities

Do you like outdoor activities?

What outdoor activities do you most like to do?

How often do you do that?

What outdoor sports do you like? Why?

How much time do you spend outdoor every week?

What types of outdoor activities are popular in your country?

Common topics一般概率题

27. Advertisement

Do you enjoy watching advertisements on TV?

What are the advantages to companies of advertising on the Internet rather than TV?

Are advertisements important?

Do you watch advertisements on television or on internet?

Are there many advertisements in your country?

Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

Where are the places we see advertisements?

How do you feel about advertisements?

What kind of advertisements do you like the most?

What type of advertisements do you prefer to use for getting information?

Do advertisements influence your choice of product?

Have you ever bought anything after seeing its advertisements?

What are the differences in advertisements on television and those in magazines?

What do you think is the purpose of advertisements?

28. Family

How many people are there in your family?

Can you tell me something about your family members?

What kind of things do you and your family do together?

Do you prefer to spend time with your family or with your friends

How are you getting on with your parents?

Is family very important to you?

Would you prefer to have a larger or smaller family?

Would you say that your family affects your life very much?

29. Park

Does your hometown have many parks?

Do you often visit public parks?

What do you usually do there?

Do you like parks?

How often do you visit parks?

What kinds of parks do you like?

Did you go to parks when you were a child?

What did you do there?

Do you think it’s good to have parks and public gardens in cities (Why?)

Do you think you will go to parks more often in the future?

What do you think could be done to make parks better?

30. Handwriting

Do you often write things?

What do you usually write?

Do you like writing to people?

Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer?

Nowadays, how do most people write things?

Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?

When do children begin to write in your country?

How did you learn to write?

Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)?

How can children today improve (or, practice) their handwriting?

What impression does a person’s handwriting have on other people?

31. Rainy days

Do your prefer rainy days or sunny days?

What do you do on rainy days?

What do you usually do when it rains and you are outside?

Do you think rain is good?

How does rain affect life in your country?

Is there any part in your country where it doesn’t rain much?

32. Bus

How often do you take the bus?

When was the first time you took a bus?

Is it convenient to take the bus in your city?

Do people in your country take the bus?

What is the difference between taking a bus and taking a train?

What do you do when you are on a bus?

How good is the bus service where you live?


New新题  frequent高频题   common一般概率题


Describe something you enjoy doing with an old person in your family

Describe a popular person

Describe a famous athlete you know

Describe a good parent you know

Describe someone who is knowledgeable

Describe an interesting foreigner you know

Describe a business person you admire


Describe a public place that you think need improvements

Describe a city or country you most want to live in the future

Describe an important river/ area of water in your country

Describe a place where you often visit with your friends or family

Describe your dream house

Describe a place where people listen to music

Describe a leisure facility (cinema, theatre, sports center) you would like to have in your hometown

Describe an interesting place in your country that not many tourists get there

Describe a garden you visited and liked


Describe a historical period that you are interested in

Describe your favorite season of the year

Describe a memorable story told by someone

Describe a photo you have taken

Describe a situation where you have to be polite

Describe a visitor in your home

Describe something you learned in a place or from someone

Describe an unusual meal you had

Describe a special day that you went out but didn't spend much money

Describe a time that you were late

Describe an important event that you celebrated

Describe an important skill which cannot be learned at school

Describe a time that you saved money for something

Describe a time when you helped someone

Describe an occasion where you received a good service from a company or shop

Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree

Describe an activity (something) you do to keep fit (healthy)

Describe an achievement that you are proud of

Describe a good decision made by the people around you

Describe a situation you received some useful advice

Describe a car journey you went on

Describe an area of science you are interested in

Describe a product you bought which made you very happy

Describe a time when you were teaching a friend or a relative to do sth

Describe an occasion you laughed a lot

Describe an English lesson you had

Describe a time moved to a new place

Describe an occasion a lot of people laughed 

Something you plan to do but haven't done it yet

A recent change you had


Describe a toy that you received when you were a child

Describe a piece of technology (not computer—related) you like to use

Describe a popular product made in your country.

Describe an experience that you felt happy that you used your cellphone

Describe a piece of furniture in your home


Describe TV series you watched

Describe an important letter you received

Describe an advertisement that you saw or heard or liked

Describe an exciting book




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