The question today of what makes a luxury brand, a luxury brand and how do we distinguish it, is very hard to answer. The standard business response is to say they are more exclusive. And we get exclusivity by having high price and relatively small amounts of the product available. The reality, however, of luxury brands is that they are sold in their millions, and in some cases, are not priced that much higher than the standard output. The only way I can really answer your question is to say, itis all relative. As you said in your introduction, it wasn't that long ago in Australia that we would have considered two televisions to be a luxury, or even further back, one colour television. And you can make a strong argument, for example,that Starbucks in China, right now, is a luxury purchase because of its cost, because of how frequently it is purchased by many people. So, I think the long answer is a complicated one, but the answer is, it depends who you talk to. It hink in the business community what we would say, is that there is a small cluster of more expensive brands which have a distinct strategy that we would identify as being luxury brands. And they start with the Rolls Royce and the Tiffanys and the Louis Vuittons of the world. And, I think that tends to be howwe see them.
首先,由于大多数讲座都遵循着总分结构,所以SST的开头部分通常来说是比较重要的,往往直接揭示了文章的主旨内容,而对于这篇文章来说也是如此,开篇的第一句就把这篇讲座讨论的主题点明——“What makes a luxury brand is very hard to answer”
引出主题之后,接下来开始回答问题——首先,一句“The standard business response is to say”提示我们,这里他要给出一个标准答案了,而标准答案就是——“they are more exclusive”——也就是说奢侈品之所以是奢侈品是由于他们非常的昂贵,而下文则进一步解释,这些“昂贵”是来源于什么——1)having high price;2)relatively small amounts of the product available。
然而,在这之后还有一个由“however”引导的转折,提出了一个相反的观点“The reality, however, of luxury brands is that they are sold in their millions, and in some cases, are not priced that much higher than the standard output”——很多奢侈品的销量都是在百万级,并且有时候他们的价格并不比普通商品更贵。接着给说“一切都是相对的”,并以澳洲的电视机和中国的星巴克作为举例——通常来说,举例部分的内容是可以不用写入总结之内的,但如果我们的字数允许,也可以简单提及。
Normally, luxury brands are more exclusive because of their higher prices and relatively small amounts of the product available. However,sometimes the reality is the opposite, like Starbucks in China.
前文将标准官方回答讨论结束了,第三部分由“So, I think the long answer is a complicated one, but the answer is”引出了另一个回答,“什么是奢侈品其实取决于你和谁讨论这件事情”——it depends who you talk to. 这一部分的内容也正好是承接前文澳洲的电视机和星巴克的内容,做一个总结,和前文的“it is all relative”想呼应,表达相同的意思。
最后,我们可以听到演讲者的语气有明显的放慢和强调,说“对于一部分昂贵的奢侈品而言,他们有独特的战略来成为奢侈品”——there is a small cluster of more expensive brandswhich have a distinct strategy that we would identify as being luxury brands. 同样,在给出一个论点后,再辅以Tiffany和LV等例子进行举例论证,而这部分举例内容,咱们可以直接忽略。
What makes a luxury brand is hard to answer. Normally, luxury brands are more exclusive because of their higher prices and relatively small amounts of the product available. However,sometimes the reality is the opposite, like Starbucks in China. Therefore, what makes a luxury brand depends on who you talk to. Finally, there is a small cluster of expensive brands which have a distinct strategy being identified as luxury brands.
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