投行梦离你不再遥远 | 国际投行精英养成计划全面升级,悉尼墨尔本同时启动

2016年04月06日 DNC澳洲求职

你可以经历真实企业并购案分析,企业估值,财务尽职调查  -- 资产管理行业分析和各大顶级投行衍生品真实交易记录估价- 股权,债券,衍生品和外汇交易模拟账户上手操作和策略咨询
你将得到进行一对一模拟面试录像及反馈,Group interview 及反馈,感受真实面试及得到最专业的反馈意见的机会 -- 体验Local猎头公司亲自指导面试,商务礼仪实践
你可以在悉尼\墨尔本本地上市金融公司实习 -- 可以做贴近中前台的传统投行业务和相应金融公司实习配对



Session 1
The World of Investment Banking
- Conducted by Former JP Morgan Senior Analyst
▶ The historic face of investment banking - the great investment bankers, house and bulge-bracket firms of Wall and Lombard Streets
▶ Career path in this industry
▶ The evolution of investment banking - a regulatory journey of both form and substance
▶ The culture and organizational structure of investment banks - the changing face of leadership, risk management, human behaviors and organizational values
▶ The structure of investment banks - public versus private, universal versus boutique, the road to the top - vice presidents, managing directors and partners - and the accolades of success
▶ The business and strategies of investment banking - buy and sell sides, inside and outside the shadow markets; research, Chinese walls and electrified fences
▶ The competitive challenges of investment banks - the retention of talent, the CEO’s wandering eyes, the growing dimensions of risks from market to operational to human behaviors
▶ The customer and performance goals of investment banking businesses - criteria for superior performance
▶ The role of the financial advisor/advisory business - a journey to the top of Maslow’s pyramid
Session 2
Asset Management and Wealth Management Pathways 
- Conducted by Former JP Morgan Senior Analyst
▶ Asset management industry framework and big picture
▶ The roles of investment managers, brokers, custodians and institutional clients
▶ Fund administration division and define administrator’s roles
▶ Introductions of derivatives
▶ Exchange traded derivatives valuations and fund performance reporting
▶ How to read the Swap contracts and instructions
▶ How to book the Swap and OTC option trades
▶ How to calculate the Market to market value of the Swaps
▶ How to book the margin and the effect of the margin instructions
▶ How to book future trades on domestic funds
▶ How to calculate the profit and loss on the close trades
▶ How to sum up the total for unrealized value on the futures
▶ Goldman Sachs structural trades tickets valuations and analysis
▶ Various types of corporate actions introduction
▶ Voluntary and involuntary corporate actions fund bookings and proper handlings
▶ Corporate actions research and practical trading methodology
▶ Daily and monthly valuations procedures on funds level
▶ Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan various future products valuation based on real broker statements and trading tickets (domestic fund)
▶ Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan various future products valuation based on real broker statements and trading tickets (international fund)
Session 3
Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Investment Bank practices and Deal Studies 
- Conducted by Adobe Deal Manager and Former M&A Investment Manager 
▶ Deal summary at a glance - how much you know about the deals in the market?
▶ Investment bankers at the top of Maslow’s Pyramid - The CEO as the client
▶ The theory and practice of M&A - from synergies to core competencies
▶ Private-equity driven deals - structures and expectations
▶ Strategic investment driven deals - structures and expectations
▶ Merger strategies, what industry to buy before what to buy
▶ The role of the investment banker - the buy and sell side; conflicts of interest;  the trusted advisor role
▶ Equity market and stock fundamental analysis and shareholder expectations
▶ Buy side and sell side conference, Q&A and negotiation
▶ Good or bad companies at a glance of broker report - financial features
▶ Shareholders’ and bankers’ most concerned financial ratios
▶ Pricing, and fee structure of M&A deals
▶ The financing M&A deals - cash, stock, bank financing, the debt capital markets
▶ Leverage buy-out, using other people’s money is always good?
▶ M&A as a real option strategy - getting one’s foot in the door
▶ Beyond M&A - creating value through corporate restructurings
▶ Benchmark deals in the market - investment bankers as creators or destroyers of shareholder value?
▶ Group presentation warm-up and road show stage-up-and-go.
▶ M&A deal timeline and project management
▶ Valuation of target companies in real case
▶ Group presentation of M&A real case, feel the pain and gain
▶ Challenge questions from the IB mentors
▶ Deal negotiations, assessments and final completions
▶ Road Show Bite - An individual feedback according to the roadshow performance
Session 4
Interview Preparations 
- Conducted by Local Hunting Agents and Big 4 HR
▶ Key to write a set of resume and cover letter that secures you interviews
▶ How to write your sale document
▶ Format and Wording
▶ Common errors you need to avoid from your resumes
▶ Resume details highlights
▶ Importance of “achievement” writings – what distinguishes you from other candidates
▶ Do you know how to use MS Word to improve your resume?
▶ What if you have less/little experience (and believe me upfront, there is no shortcut for this, but you have the control to improve it)
▶ About Applicant tracking system (ATS)
▶ Interview techniques and Mock interviews
▶ The art of selling yourself and have the agents to sell you - as a product
▶ Good, bad and ugly about job market
▶ PAS SystemTM (Prepare, Act and Summaries)
▶ 4 different job markets - Rules are different
▶ Value and culture fit - make or break the deal
▶ The correct steps and approaches of interviews
▶ Myers Briggs and other Tests
▶ The danger of telephone interview (even video)
▶ The power of storytelling - Australians like to know the real inside of you
▶ “My precious”  you have 7 seconds
▶ Common Interview Questions - Approach Analysis
▶ How to deal with your nerve - not only eating bananas
▶ 8 ways that guarantee failures - do the opposite
▶ Full Discussion about behavior questions
▶ Work with recruitment agent? Or go solo?
▶ Reference checks to close the deal
▶ Mock, mock and lots of mock, be warned!
Session 5
Trading and Global Markets 
– Conducted by Successful Personal Forex and CFD Trader
▶ Career in front office - trading
▶ Risk management industry and middle and front work duties analysis and introductions
▶ What is Forex Trading - Background Analysis; FX trading Terminology & Connections;
▶ What is CFDs Trading - Types of CFDs; Benefits of trading CFDs; Trading Power; Terminology & Connections;
▶ The beauty of Forex unveiled - Leverage; Trading time; Market liquidity; Trading cost; Trading platform
▶ Trading Orders - Market Order; Stop & Limit Oder
▶ The structure of the Market - brokers, traders and the sales desks
▶ Market-makers, hedge funds and speculators
▶ Associated Risks & Risk management
▶ How to trade Forex - Understand about the market; Build a trading strategy; Operation of trading software & Real Time Mock Trading
▶ Historical case analysis
▶ Personal trading experience - Lessons from failures; Trading strategies
▶ Career development of a trader, explore the hidden value of a successful trading guru
Session 6
Effective Email Communication 
- Conducted by International Consulting Firm Chief Information Officer
▶ Make sure your messages get opened quickly
▶ Give longer messages a logical structure
▶ Differentiate between informal and formal email writing
▶ Get your key messages across
▶ Avoid igniting an email - writing 'flame war'
▶ Address your reader's needs
▶ Establish and build rapport
▶ Know what format to use - and when
▶ Minimize spam
▶ Cut down on unnecessary emails - for you and your colleagues
▶ Avoid embarrassing mistakes
▶ Free yourself from Inbox slavery
▶ Make your emails more readable
Session 7
Public Speaking 
- Presentation & Meeting Survival Boot Camp - Conducted by Big 4 Senior Data Analyst
▶ Establish rapport with your audience
▶ Learn techniques to reduce nervousness and fear
▶ Understand your strengths as a presenter and how to appeal to different types of people
▶ Recognize how visual aids can create impact and attention
▶ Develop techniques to create a professional presence
▶ Learn some different ways to prepare and organize information
▶ Prepare, practice, and deliver a short presentation
Session 8
Final Group Interview and Business Cocktail Party 
- Participants: Big 4, BNP Paribas, State Street Bank and Trust, Macquarie Bank, Deutsche Bank Previous Students and Teachers
▶ Group assignment case introduction
▶ Team allocations and building up
▶ Group discussions
▶ Group presentations and PPT preparations
▶ Group interview feedback
▶ Cocktail party for socialization 
▶ Financial Services Industry Full Time Internship
FT Internship
2 weeks - 1 month
- Subject to the availability of the host companies, DNC Consulting Group reserves the final explanation
▶ Practical experience with FX, derivatives, Equity trading, M & A, IPO project and other front desk tasks as well as valuation and reporting roles included
▶ Relevant local work experience reference will be provided to enhance your CV
▶ Chance to extend the internship period and stay with paid job but not guaranteed
▶ Host Companies: DNC Capital Group, Bentleys, Phillip Capital, AMMA Private Equity, Philon Capital, Basis Consulting Firm 
▶ Best trader and best analyst certification for the best performers
▶ Internship reference

PhillipCapital 辉立资本
在澳洲对接各种财富管理,投资交易业务,实习期间提供针对性的Trading与Market Reserach培训
GLOBAL STRENGTH---国际市场对接,需要我们的Highly Cultual Empathy与Multiculture
GATEWAY TO ASIA---得天独厚的Background,让你在跨国交易理念和文化中,更良好的梳理客户与企业之间的关系
SECURE CLIENT FUNDS---近15年的金牌商誉金牌投行实习经历,是成为你简历中不可忽视的一段经历与闪光点
RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT---Soft skill在工作中提升,是捷径,也是最切实的方法
MARKET INTELLIGENCE---第一时间或许市场信息,培养市场敏感性,实现你做Trader梦想的第一步

Vantage FX 万致
Vantage FX万致是来自澳大利亚最具影响力的外汇交易平台,在中国为万致外汇金融管理有限公司。
为交易者提供了各种丰富的平台使用权,其中包括流行的MetaTrader 4, 通过领先的One-Zero特别定制MT4流动性报价通道,能够同时桥接多个流动性窗口。提供这种独特的,尖端的解决方案,有利于与同业级流通。

Wilson L.
【远大Executive Director. 投资银行班王牌讲师,金牌就业咨询导师】

麦考瑞大学金融会计硕士毕业,Qualified CPAA, ACCA, CFA三大王牌资质于一身将系统的理论知识与5年多的投行实战经验完美融合。曾任职于道富(State Street)悉尼部小组经理,负责衍生品交易和审查,基金交易;J.P. Morgan 项目组经理,主要负责养老金投资项目,现任公司发展部经理,主要负责基金项目,风投项目等。
Johan W.
【远大Effective Email Communication主讲老师】

现任全球战略咨询公司L.E.K Consulting 的Head of Information Technology -Asia Pacific。拥有超过十年以上上市公司的IT Management Executive工作经验。在过去十几年的工作经验中,除了咨询公司,Johan曾从业于娱乐产业公司,金融服务公司,是个极富创造性和幽默的讲师。
Lauren L.

远大资深实战型Excel全能速成培训讲师,对Excel在企业管理中的应用有着很深的造诣。Qualified CPA,现任澳洲联邦银行 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 融资部的证券化分析师 (Securitisation Analyst)。在过去的7年期间, Lauren还曾任职于联邦银行风险管理部门 (Risk Management)的信贷风险组 (Credit Risk) 4年, 以及电信行业(Telecommunication)的Accountant 3年. Lauren对待学生全情投入,懂得如何将知识与经验高效的转移给学生,授课专业性和趣味性并重,极具亲和力和感染力。
Wayne W.

CFA Charter Holder,现于大型跨国IT公司任高级并购经理,兼任另一IT巨头财务顾问。曾任四大会计师事务所审计师,澳洲保险公司财务分析师,香港上市公司投资并购经理,中国上市公司独立董事。2009年获MQ Applied Finance硕士学位。曾参与包括雨润集团等多个公司IPO上市项目,包括中国石化等多个上市公司的审计项目,以及领衔并促成多宗跨国并购案,涉案价值超过2亿美元。2005-2008年创办“韦恩博客”,并在上海证券报设有专栏,对当时的中国牛市进行跟踪分析报道。Wayne老师是公认“综艺咖”,其乐观,向上和幽默个性是新一代的典范。在教学过程中,精心设计了大量的案例,用形象通俗的语言来阐明相对枯燥的概念和理论,内容扎实,形式活泼,深受学生喜爱。
Cindi W.

Maria P.

曾任职Beautiful Minds Australia的执行董事,在Channel 9 TV show担任节目造型设计。善于帮助学生提高面试的语言表达、动作举止和服饰仪表。在Career Workshop中Maria将协助您在面试中凸显你的个人魅力,加深考官对应聘者的感觉和印象,从而在面试中取得胜人一筹的成绩。

报名电话:0488 888 362

8年的积累,赋予我们睿智的双眼,丰富的经验,通过专业的招聘渠道,联合知名企业的精英导师,全面提高学员个人能力与实战经验,只为学生拿到最好的Offer. 几千名的成功案例,使我们成为最专业的会计金融职业咨询平台。


公司地址:Suite 903, 370 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000 


咨询电话:0488 888 362

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