PwC Assessment Centre的5大晋级标准,你满足了几个?

原创 2019年02月07日 Infinity澳洲职业咨询





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Graduate Program

Assessment Centre


本期视频将由Infinity Lead Career Coach Shirley主讲,带你了解管培申请中面试时间最长,最挑战技术和耐力的Assessment Center。希望小伙伴们都能通过Infinity收获到理想的Graduate Program Offer。

PwC Assessment Centre 的5大晋级标准

Criterion 1: Business and Client Service: 

Action Point
Download PwC’s annual report and spend an afternoon digesting it and making notes on the key points. Reference your findings in your interview. It will mark you out as someone with an eye for detail and good commercial acumen.

Criterion 2: Working in teams: 

Action Point
Make a list of 5 solid examples that you can reference during the PwC Assessment Centre (throughout the day) and you will wow your assessors.

Criterion 3: Communicating with impact and empathy

Action Point

Prepare 3 examples of how your communication skills directly led to a successful outcome  of some kind. (Hint: try and prepare an example for each of the following: your colleagues, manager and client.)

Criterion 4: Manage projects & economics

Action Point

Prepare 2 examples – one of which must demonstrate you have the ability to ‘think on your feet’.

Criterion 5: Be open minded, agile with change and practical

Action Point 1

Practise talking in detail about career highlights or your aims for the future. Move from one to the other every 30 seconds or so.

Action Point 2

Prepare 2 examples for your PwC assessment centre of how you dealt with change in a professional or academic setting. How did you maintain your effectiveness throughout the transition?


《求职大咖秀》I 第一集: 澳洲管培项目大观,都有哪些大公司开始申请了?

《求职大咖秀》I 第二集: 澳洲管培项目之网申环节,各类题型的答题技巧都有什么?

《求职大咖秀》I 第三集: 管培申请淘汰率最高的Video Interview怎么破?资深导师为你解析万能回答法则

想要获得更多关于Assessment Centre通关技巧?







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