Should schools have strict rules on wearing uniforms?
I believe schools should have strict rules on wearing uniforms
I believe schools should not have strict rules on wearing uniforms.
处理完主要观点后我们来构思下分论点。那当我们拿到学习,工作类型的essay题目的时候,都可以往效率(efficiency)或者表现 (performance)方面去衍生。那么这道题也可以进行类似的处理。比如说我们可以说有对校服的严格规定会提高学习表现。然后在解释的部分再进行具体的解释,比如可以说学生不会把精力和时间放在穿着上。另外,很多同学会想到攀比现象,那么这个词在英文中的表达是peer comparisons, 同样也可以放入我们的作文里。
1 focus more on academic performance(更专注于学术表现)
- Spend less time on competing in relation to fashion
-prevent potential peer comparisons
-create a structured and disciplined environment
另外我们在写作文的时候,碰到一些社会议题时可以考虑下‘弱势群体’(vulnerable groups)或者社会经济地位较低的人群(people from low socioeconomic backgrounds)的立场。那同样的,在这道题里,我们可以从一些家庭条件不好的学生的角度去考虑。
2 promote equality among students(推动平等)
-don‘t feel peer pressure to wear clothes of a certain type or brand (不会感到同辈压力)
-Socioeconomic differences among students are minimized (社会经济差异被最小化)
3 builds a sense of belonging and enhance school pride (创造归属感, 提升学校荣誉感)
-Make students feel they are part ofthe school community and represent their school
1 repress individuality (压抑个性)
stifle student’s need for self-expression (扼杀学生自我表达的需求)
Students are not able to express their individuality through their attire
2 create a more relaxed, creative learning environment which is conducive to improving study efficiency (创造宽松环境,有利于提升学习效率)
3 school without rigid uniform policies potentially avoid wasting time and energy on ensuring conformity to the dress code(避免在确保遵守着装要求一事上浪费时间和经历)
在构思好观点后,我们正式开始进入写作。在开头的introduction部分我们套用7plus的essay 写作模版即可(写作模版可联系7plus小助手获取)。在body段,我们使用TEER(Topic sentence-Explanation- Example-Restatement)的结构来陈述观点。以下是一个body段给同学们参考。
• 论点:First and foremost, strict uniform rules promote equality among students
• 解释:To be more specific, strict uniform rules entail everyone wearing the same outfit. Students from disadvantaged family are less likely to feel the pressure to wear clothes of a certain type or brand. Seen in this light, socioeconomic differences among students are minimized.
• 举例:For example, according to a recent study conducted by Melbourne University,89% students agreed that after the enforcement of uniform rules, they worried much less about their appearances and their confidence were boosted, because the difference of socioeconomic status was no longer blatantly reflected on their clothes.
• 总结:Therefore, I think schools should have rigid rules on wearing uniforms considering the promotion of equality.

本周新题持续增加RA+10,大作文+4及WFD+15 11月13日至11月19日