The Institute of Financial Accountants (IFA) has been recognised by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) specified list of bodies that can approve accounts for High Net Worthindividuals (HNWIs). The approval means members of the IFA are recognised bythe FCA to provide statements on an individual’s income or assets.英国财务会计师公会(IFA)已被英国金融服务监管局(FCA)认可,成为其指定机构名单中的一员,IFA会员可批准认可高净值人士(HNWIs)账户。这一认可意味着IFA会员经英国金融服务管理局认可,可以提供与个人收入或资产有关的声明文件。As part of the Financial Services andMarkets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) Order 2001, credit and hire agreements,High Net Worth individuals are generally exempt from regulation, subject tocertain conditions. One of these conditions is that a statement of theindividual’s income or assets must be made and signed in accordance with FCA rules.作为《2000年金融服务与市场法案》2001法令中信贷与雇佣协议内容的一部分,高净值人士通常在某些条件下不受监管,但必须符合特定条件。其中一项是,个人收入或资产声明必须根据FCA的规则制定和签署。These rules state that the statementmust be signed by the lender or by an accountant who is a member of any of thebodies listed in the FCA Consumer Credit Sourcebook. The IFA was not previouslylisted and after submitting an application to the FCA, a public consultationwas held, resulting in the IFA being added to the approved list.这些规则规定,声明必须由贷方或会计师签署,该会计师需来自FCA发布的《消费信贷手册》中所列出的机构成员。IFA以前未出现在所列名单中,在向FCA提交申请后,经过公开咨询,最终IFA加入到获准名单当中。IFA CEO John Edwards said: “We aredelighted to have secured this recognition of our members. The FCA rules andregulations are naturally very stringent and this approval highlights thecalibre and integrity of the members that we have on board. It also means thatmembers can provide an additional service to their High Net Worth clients andare in a better position to support them. It’s great to see the Institute ofFinancial Accountants on the FCA approved list too, alongside many veryreputable organisations.”IFA首席执行官约翰·爱德华兹(John Edwards)表示:“我们很高兴为会员争得认可。FCA的规章制度很严格,这一批准突显了IFA会员的能力和诚信,也意味着会员可以为其高净值客户提供额外服务,以便更好地为他们提供支持。很高兴看到IFA与众多非常著名的组织共同列入FCA的认可名单。财务会计师公会(Institute of Financial Accountants,简称IFA)成立于1916年,是国际公认的专业会计会员机构。公会会员多就职于中小微型企业,或在中小微型会计事务所为客户提供建议。IFA隶属于公共会计师协会集团(IPA Group),该协会集团是全球最大的以中小企业为中心的会计组织,在全球拥有逾40,000名会员和学员。
公共会计师协会集团(IPA Group)包括了公共会计师协会(IPA)、英国财务会计师公会(IFA)以及澳大利亚会计技术人员协会(AAT),其总部设在澳大利亚墨尔本市,是经国际会计师联合会(IFAC)和亚太会计师联合会(CAPA)认可的全球提供优质服务于中小事务所/中小企业的大型会计专业团体,代表着来自80多个国家和地区逾40,000名会员及学员的利益。