Born Order应该算是SWT题库里的一道经典老题了,超长的篇幅,大量的对话曾让包括我在内的不少同学都感到头疼的一题。不久之前,PTE更新了这一道题的第二个版本,前半段原封不都,删减掉了后面几段。然而这个Version 2同样让不少同学依然感到头疼——这道题究竟要怎么选取内容?为什么这一句要把它加进来呢?

Born Order Ver.2
Parents’ own birth order can become an issue when dynamics in the family they are raising replicate the family in which they were raised. Agati notes common examples, such as a firstborn parent getting into “raging battles” with a firstborn child. “Both are used to getting the last word. Each has to be right. But the parent has to be the grown-up and step out of that battle,” he advises. When youngest children become parents, Agati cautions that because they “may not have had high expectations placed on them, they in turn may not see their kids for their abilities.”
But he also notes that since youngest children tend to be more social, “youngest parents can be helpful to their firstborn, who may have a harder time with social situations. These parents can help their eldest kids loosen up and not be so hard on themselves. Mom Susan Ritz says her own birth order didn’t seem to affect her parenting until the youngest of her three children, Julie, was born. Julie was nine years younger than Ritz’s oldest, Joshua, mirroring the age difference between Susan and her own older brother. “I would see Joshua do to Julie what my brother did to me,” she says of the taunting and teasing by a much older sibling.
“I had to try not to always take Julie’s side.” Biases can surface no matter what your own birth position was, as Lori Silverstone points out. “As a middle myself, I can be harder on my older daughter. I recall my older sister hitting me,” she says of her reactions to her daughters’ tussles.
看完这段文本,我们会发现其实第一句话就是对全文内容的高度概括——“Parents’ own birth order can become an issue when dynamics in the family they are raising replicate the family in which they were raised.”这一句话看起来有些难理解,看起来有点绕口,其实意思是说通过复制自己小时候的经历,父母的出生顺序会对教育孩子的方式产生影响。我们可以直接把它摘抄下来,同样也可以对它进行一些改写:“parents’ born order influences their parenting by replicating their own childhood experience.”
给出文章的主要观点之后,接下来文章通过举例来详细解释这个观点,所以“Agati notes common examples”这一句之后,就给出了这篇文章的主要举例。而举例这一部分,明显分为了两个部分,一个是“firstborn parents”,另一个是“When youngest children become parents”,而且两者之间是有进行一个对比的。很多同学在这里会只选取了幼子成为父母的这一部分内容,因为我们会发现,第一段和第二段几乎所有的主要内容都是在描写“youngest parents”方面的内容。
1. 选取前文未提及的新观点;
2. 重复提及的内容仅选其一;
所以,我们在进行内容筛选的时候,内容的多少其实并不是最重要的,我们要看的是这一点是否是和主题内容紧密联系的新观点。而这一篇文章的主题其实非常明确——“父母出生顺序对教育孩子的影响”,而第一段“firstborn parents”部分的内容显然是和主题有紧密联系的,同时也是前文未提及的新观点,因此这里是一定需要写到答案的总结中的。
对于“firstborn parents”这一部分,原文主要是说容易和孩子产生冲突,所以我们可以直接照抄原文中的句子,稍加改写:“a firstborn parent can get into ‘raging battles’ with a firstborn child.”;也可以根据他的主要意思进行自己的改写:“firstborn parents are tough to their first child.”
另外,对于“youngest parents”部分,我们可以总结出非常多的内容:
1. Because they may not have had high expectations placed on them, they in turn may not see their kids for their abilities.
2. Since youngest children tend to be more social, youngest parents can be helpful to their firstborn, who may have a harder time with social situations.
3. These parents can help their eldest kids loosen up and not be so hard on themselves.
首先,第一点内容,因为他们自己没有被寄予很高的期望,所以反过来,他们也看不到自己孩子的能力。很明显,这里是为后面的内容做一个铺垫,同时说一下这些最小的孩子成为父母时,他们可能存在的一些劣势是什么。第二点内容,前文有一个转折“BUT he also notes that”——最小的孩子更擅长社交,所以可以在社交问题上帮助他们的长子。对于转折,通常有两种情况:1)提出两个相反的观点,通常出现在提出不同观点的议论文中;2)以前文做铺垫,强调转折后的内容。显然,由于后文花了大量的篇幅来介绍youngest parents对firstborn children的帮助,所以对于youngest parents来说,后文的内容应该是主题。同时,这一篇文章是在对比两种不同出生顺序的父母抚养孩子上的方式上的区别,所以后文主要讲youngest parents如何帮助他们的长子,与主题内容联系更紧密。所以这里的转折应该是第二种情况,即“以前文做铺垫,强调转折后的内容”的形式。所以相比之下,第二点内容比第一点内容更重要。
而前文的解释和原因,最终会带来什么样的结果呢?第三点内容给出了答案“这些父母可以帮助他们的长子放松,而不是对待自己太苛刻”。这些youngest parents他们可以在社交上帮助到自己的长子,结果是“让长子放松,不要对自己太苛刻”。所以如果第二点和第三点一定要二选一的话,第三点作为“前文解释的结果”以及“youngest parents对长子的影响”来说,他会更加的重要。
在这之后,文章以Mom Susan Ritz的经历作为一个例子,来解释出生顺序的影响,同时给出了一个建议“I had to try not to always take Julie’s side.”,稍微改写一下也就是“parents had to try not to always take youngest children’s side”,父母需要尽量让自己不总是站在年轻孩子的一边。很多同学会把这一个小点给漏了,而结合全文的逻辑,这里的内容是解释完父母出生顺序对教育方式影响之后,给出父母的一个建议,应该需要整合进总结中的。
最后,一个很明显的总结,“Biases can surface no matter what your own birth position was”,无论你的出生顺序是什么,偏见总会显露出来。这一部分内容作为对全文的总结,是一定需要总结进来的。
1. Topic Sentence,文章主题,“父母的出生顺序会影响到他们教育孩子的方式”,因为“他们会复制自己所经历的教育”;
2. 接着进行举例解释,以“firstborn parents”和“youngest children become parents”两方面对孩子抚养方式的影响做了一个对比;
3. 给出建议,“父母要试图让自己不总是站在幼小孩子的一方”
4. 最后进行总结,“无论出生顺序是什么,偏见总会出现”
