7月高频SST - Fast Radio Burst音频剖析及答案解析

原创 2019年07月22日 7PLUS英语

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近期,听力成为了大家78炸路上的拦路虎。通过分析他们平时的复习情况以及考场上的反馈,我们不难发现,大部分的同学在Summarize Spoken Text这个题型上存在着这样或那样的问题,更有些同学对于Summarize Spoken Text这个题型甚至是无比抗拒的。


在平时练习中,很多人都不知道应该如何练习Summarize Spoken Text或者如何利用手头上数量有限的机经原文。因此在真实考试中,在Summarize Spoken Text的答题过程中,当听了整个文章后,因为对这个题型的抗拒以及平时练习的不足,这个部分总是答得不够好,最后影响到听力的部分。


今天我们一篇近期的Summarize Spoken Text高频题来为大家介绍一下Summarize Spoken Text应该怎样准备,怎样答题。





下面,让我们通过听力原文来剖析一下Fast Radio Burst这道Summarize Spoken Text


A fast radio burst is very much like what it sounds. It’s a very fastburst of radio waves. It comes from outer space, a long way away. And by fast,I mean really fast. So, it starts and stops in about a thousandth of a second,so you click your fingers, and it’s finished.


Fast radio bursts are a real mystery. We don’t exactly understand where they come from, orwhat actually makes them. And there’s a lot of open questions that we reallydon’t have an answer for. There are probably more theories about what makesfast radio bursts, than there are actual detections of these things. So, since2007, we’ve only had 20, but there are probably 30 or 40 different theories on what makes them.


The most interesting thing about this burst is the fact that we found it with the Australian square kilometer array pathfinder(ASKAP即澳大利亚平方公里陈列探路者). So that is, it wasn’t really obvious that we would be able to do this, as well as we ended up being able to do it. So, this telescope is really a fantastic telescope. In fact, it’s probably the best telescope on the planetat the moment for finding these bursts. So, whereas in the past it’staken ten years to find twenty bursts, once we’re really going with this new instrument, we’ll be able to find them much more quickly. One or two every week. And that will blow open the field. We’ll be able to do much more detailed studies of these things, get better statistics, understand what, hopefully understand what they are, and where they’re coming from. So, the thing that’s most interesting about this burst is the fact that it heralds(预示) a new era. Not only for the telescope, but for the whole field, where we’ll be able to actually have lots more things to play with. That’s probably the most important thing. I liken it a little bit to the Saron of space, the all-seeing eye, because we see so much of the sky, in comparison with other telescopes, were ally can catch theset hings really easily. When you can find a whole bunch really quickly,which is what we can do now with the Australian square kilometer。


首先根据音频,开头的两三个短句点出了全文的主题:A fast radio burst(快速电波爆发),这个关键词必须记下来。全文开头对这个快速电波爆发做了定义,简单一句话来概况就是:A fast radioburst is a very fast burst of radio waves, which comes from outer space.


接着长长的停顿后开始讲下一段的内容,意思是这种快速电波爆发是一个谜团,我们不确定具体它从哪里来,也不知道是什么造成它的,有很多无法解释的问题仍然遗留着。现在有很多关于什么造成快速电波爆发的理论,后面具体说了有多少多少的理论。所以这部分总结来说就是:Fast radiobursts are a real mystery, because we do not understand where they come from orwhat actually makes them.


接着又在长长的停顿后开启了下一部分,这边重读the most interesting thing,所以接下的重点是讲这个theAustralian square kilometer array pathfinder(ASKAP即澳大利亚平方公里陈列探路者)为快速电波爆发做了些什么。根据背景知识调查,这个ASKAP是一个天文望远镜,由后面不断提到的telescope也可以证实这一点,文中不止一次提到了这个telescope,包括new instrument也是在指这个ASKAP,所以如果可以的话还是最好能记下the Australian square kilometer array pathfinder,如果记不下来那么至少也要提到the Australian new telescope. 所以接下来这部分的重点信息可以概括成:the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder is the best telescope on the planet for finding these bursts,which enables us to get more detailed studies of bursts.


最后一部分,在一个强调句型the most interesting about this burst is the fact that…中可以提炼出: it heralds a new era, because this new instrument enables us to find bursts more easily and quickly.




1. A fast radio burst is avery fast burst of radio waves from outer space.

2. However, fast radio bursts are a real mystery as we do not understand where they come from or what makes them.

3.Moreover, the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder is the best telescope to get moredetailed studies of bursts.

4. Thus, it heraldsa new era, because this new instrument can catchbursts more easily and quickly.




4.所以,这预示着整个领域进入了一个新的时代, 因为这个新设备能让我们更快更容易的捕捉到快速电波爆发。




A fast radio burst is a very fast burst of radio waves from outer space. However, fast radio bursts are a real mystery as we do not understand where they come from or what makes them. Moreover, the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder is the best telescope to get more detailed studies of bursts. Thus, it heralds a new era, because this new instrument can catch bursts easily and quickly.








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