干 货 | 看似平凡的面试问题 该用什么样的姿势回答 ①

2016年04月13日 DNC澳洲求职




How would you describe yourself?

→ 谈到的自己的特点需要符合你所应聘的工作岗位
→ 可以说一些一般面试官都看重的特质,例如友好、守时、可靠、细心等;
→ 在回答时表现出自信,却不自负;
→ 不需要谈论工作场合中不需要的特点,也无需过多讨论你的个人生活。

Sample answer:
I would describe myself as an energetic person who is easy to talk to, reliable, and focused on the details. I can sometimes be a bit of a perfectionist but I’ve learned to be satisfied as long as I’ve put forth my best effort. I also enjoy working with others and being part of a close-knit team.

What do you set up for your 30/60/90 day plan?

→ 将答案与应聘职位的工作职责相结合
→  提到你能够很快地适应新的工作环境,尽力与新的上司同事相处愉快;
→  强调自己快速学习的能力
→ 不要过多提及自己的私生活,不用讲出具体的工作计划和方案。

Sample answer:
In speaking with you and with my thorough research into your company, I have a few things in mind that I would love to implement in my first three months on the job. I know that my ability to learn quickly and mesh easily with others will aid to both my success and the company’s as well. I’m looking forward to working with my superiors to keep things running smoothly through my transition.

How do you define continuous improvement?
类似于这样的问题,是一种间接性的问题,难度稍微有所提高。你需要明白面试官真正想了解的是什么,才能做出正确的回答。比如这道题,表面上询问你对“continuous development”的看法,其实质是希望你展示出自我提升的意愿

→ 首先要回答字面的问题,回答你对这个名词的字面理解;
→ Continuous development这一过程中很重要的环节便是回顾与评判,你要表现出自己愿意虚心接受他人的批评与指教
→ 你需要回答自己会在工作中如何做到持续地不断地自我提升;
→ 不需要对名词做出长篇大论的定义,也不需要强调自己的能力强大,多么牛逼的人也需要成长和提升。

Sample answer:
To me, continuous improvement is an attitude. Recognizing that there are ways you can improve yourself and taking the steps to become better at your job. I always try to exhibit this attitude. I welcome review and constructive criticism if it will allow me to improve myself. I do not think there is a point when continuous improvement stops being important either.

If you have too much work to do, would you bring it home?
这个问题的难度较大,因为面试可能有多方面的原因来问出这个问题:或许他们想考察你组织安排工作的能力;或许是想考察你对工作的付出和投入;或许是想询问你对work-life balance的认识。无论如何,面试官所关注的都是你对工作的看法

→ 在面试的事前准备中,你需要了解该公司的企业文化,因而才能更好地了解到他们对员工的期望;
→ 采用积极正面的方式回答,表明你愿意接受工作和挑战
→ 描述自己的特征,表明自己能有效及时完成任务
→ 如果你不确定这个公司的企业文化,不要给出过于肯定的回答,尤其是一上来就否认“将工作带回家完成”的行为。

Sample answer:
I am an extremely organized person, so I tend to be able to get my work done at work. However, if the need arose I would not be against taking work home. I try not to make it a habit, since I do value my free time. I do realize though that the work we do is important, and sometimes you have to do what needs to be done.
I do not shy away from taking work home with me. I know that meeting deadlines and doing outstanding work sometimes means taking a bit of it home. I do not have a problem doing that when the need arises.

Are you willing to travel for the job?

→ 你可以谈论以前的外出或者出差是如何对你的学习和工作起到帮助的;
→ 强调自己对待工作会尽职尽责,履行一切职责;
→ 提出这样一个观点——外出/出差能够加强公司的networking
→ 解释出差工作能让你学习或收获什么:
→ 不要谈论在机场的不快,也不要表现得对旅行和观光过于期待。

Sample answer:
Of course I am willing to travel for the job. Travel in my previous jobs has allowed me to go to special conferences and trainings that have expanded my knowledge. Travel is required in many cases to network and complete job responsibilities, and I always like to be an asset to the company for which I work.

8年的积累,赋予我们睿智的双眼,丰富的经验,通过专业的招聘渠道,联合知名企业的精英导师,全面提高学员个人能力与实战经验,只为学生拿到最好的Offer. 几千名的成功案例,使我们成为最专业的会计金融职业咨询平台。


公司地址:Suite 903, 370 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000 


咨询电话:0488 888 362

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