敬请期待(部分参赛学员合影)M&A CASE 流程解析: Ø 挑选的案例是 PFIZER 和 ALLERGAN的并购计划。 Ø 到场评委导师扮演PFIZER公司股东角色。Ø 参赛者扮演第三方公司的参与并购计划的小组成员,代表ALLERGAN与PFIZER公司股东进行谈判,需详细分析阐述并购计划、流程等,尽可能得到PFIZER公司股东认可,极力促成并购。Ø PFIZER股东会在每组路演的过程中提出一些比较challenging和critical的问题。例如:“为什么要选用某个valuation modle?”“为什么要选择某个时期的数据?”“为什么要把分析建立在某一个assumption之下?”“为什么合并之后在某个方面会有1+1>2的效应?”等等……本次活动的意义:让大家了解到真正的投行是什么样的节奏?什么样的氛围? 这是一次实战,把书本知识揉进实践,让大家在实践中找到自己与投行的差距。部分主要考虑评分项★Project Quality 1 Does the candidate analyses the case background and questions carefully?2 Does the candidate have a sense of project establishment?3 Does the candidate come up with valuable ideas to the project? Presentation skills1 Is the presentation well-structured and presented in a business manner2 Does the group separate duties and all members involved in the final presentation3 Is the PPT prepared in a clear and structural way?4 Does the group member present the case with a good manner of sales and involve constantly with the investors? Q & A skills 1 Does the group answer the questions with good professional manner?2 Are the answers responded with logic and key to the points?3 Is the candidate supportive to the team members when he/she is not able to answer the questions?胜出组第一名 POKEMON GO组员MattiaLiaRavenChiayiSonia 特别出彩点:PitchbookPresentation第二名Quintent Advisory组员Groege XuBill ZhangNureliJoshua LimPatrick 特别出彩点:Q&A第三名The Titans组员Christopher LamDivyesh ShahXiaolei ZhangPollanut KittiakrasteinPeijin Li 特别出彩点:PresentationQ&A 获得VANTAGE FX黄金实习席位的参赛者- Joshua Lim- Divyesh Shah- Alanna Ju- Lia在此次的比赛中,以上4位参赛者被选中。他们将直接进入VANTAGE FX的Trading部门的纯鬼佬团队进行实习。 2016年8月21日—22日墨尔本 不见不散!公司地址:Suite 903, 370 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000 官网:www.dncconsulting.com.au咨询电话:0488 888 362微信ID:dnctraining