
首先恭喜Emily学姐顺利拿下graduate program.
政府机构的Audit Office of NSW Graduate Program,让我们先了解一下这个职位。
对于graduate program,成绩是一项很重要的衡量指标,但不是唯一指标。有意向在上学期间就为申请graduate program做准备的同学,要在学业上下功夫,也要多锻炼自己的一些实际能力,比如多参加一些实习或者相关的工作,让自己的简历和实力更加丰满一些。
Audit Office of NSW Graduate Program-这份工作能提供给你什么
Our graduate program is open to final year accounting students and is advertised directly to universities and on graduate career sites in April each year. The graduate recruitment team attend careers events to speak to students about opportunities before we open our application process. Our graduates join us to make a difference to the people of New South Wales, and to jumpstart their professional career in a dynamic, purposeful organisation. Appointment to the program depends on success at a final interview and successful completion of university studies.
The program offers comprehensive training, excellent progression and promotional opportunities, a competitive remuneration package, full support to gain your professional qualification, flexible work practices, attractive working conditions and the latest in computer technology. After a thorough induction program you’ll join your allocated business team, and most importantly, start putting the theory you learnt at university into practice with your clients.
综上所述,这份工作提供系统性的培训,而且会让你接触到全面的审计工作,面向的是社会和公众,有很多的机会接触到不同的bussiness team,全面掌握政府的审计工作。
Can I apply if I graduated more than three years ago or have just finished a postgraduate qualification? 申请条件
We are looking for new or recent accounting graduates who have graduated within the last three years. A recent postgraduate qualification in accounting is also acceptable.
这也是我们中国学生的一个认识误区,大部分人认为graduate program的申请人必须是刚刚毕业的学生,但事实是不同的graduate program面向的申请人的条件是不一样的。例如像这份工作,过去三年之内毕业的学生都可以进行申请,所以在申请的时候要留意,不要看到graduate program就跳过,要自己看其条件,毕业两年之内,大部分graduate program都是可以进行申请的。
What is the best way to prepare for an interview? 如何去准备
If you are chosen for an interview you should prepare carefully. Interview questions are based on the selection criteria. Read the criteria and think of likely questions. Practice your answers out loud or with a friend. Interviews are like public speaking — prepare and rehearse as much as you can.
Consider the challenges of the job and how your skills, knowledge and experience will help you meet them. Read your application and decide which points you want to emphasise. Take a look at our latest annual report to ensure you understand the work we do and the importance of our role in government.
At the interview, the selection committee may use a number of methods to assess your ability to do the job, including work samples or tests. We would always advise in advance if there was any preparation required or tests to be undertaken at the interview.
When answering interview questions remember:
it is okay to take your time – think before you answer
if the question is unclear, ask for it to be explained
you will usually need to restate or elaborate on details which are in your application
give examples from your experience with each answer
give complete answers – assume the interviewer knows nothing about you and do not omit details that may be in your resume
pay attention to your body language – maintain eye contact with the panel
our interview questions are mainly behaviourally based and related to the competencies and behaviours we consider crucial for success in the role.
At the end of the interview, ask any questions you have about the job or the Audit Office and add anything that may enhance your opportunity for getting the job.
从NSW审计署给出的interview tips不难看出,graduate program还是注重一个人的soft skill和hard skill的,也就是综合实力,需要你对面试问答的连贯性和逻辑性,同时也需要你提供一些相关的实习工作经验,具体到每一段experience做过些什么,获得了些什么。这需要面试者接受过实习或者相关的工作经验,也考验面试者自身的素质和面试水平。
结合Emily的实际情况,毕业之后,Emily并没有急着向graduate program投简历,因为和那些从高中就开始有各种实习工作经验的local相比,是没有任何优势的。Emily在申请的前两年时间里,在一些审计相关的工作和实践中提升了自己的能力,更丰富了自己的简历。盲投是没有结果的,不切实际的投递想碰运气也是对机会的浪费。毕业后,如果有意向参加graduate program的学生,不妨在这段衔接期多参加一些相关的实习工作。慌不择路,饥不择食,并不利于你的长远职业规划。所以,远大向学生建议,’舍近求远‘, 或许是一种更好的选择。
下面和大家分享一些关于申请Graduate Program的相关经验
基本全澳洲所有的local都在这里讨论Graduate Program, 去看一下会很有帮助,不仅可以了解到更多自己没听过的公司,而且如果有人得到了Interview或者收到了offer,也会在上面发出消息,对于申请者来说会是一个不错的reference.
Graduate Opportunities: 不错的网站,经常会在Uni宣传,可以查到不少东西
Uni Grad: 另一个很不错的网站,也会在Uni 宣传。
Graduate Program是一些大公司专门为Graduate设置的Program,一般时长为2-3年。在国内,graduate program更像是一些管培生的项目,公司会在这段时间让你去尽可能的接触不同的部门和不同的业务,从而更好的根据你的具体情况,为你安排一个适合的发展方向,从而更好的为公司效力。所以GP是很好的机会,公司当然越大你接触到的东西就越多,但是,尤其是accounting的学生,一定要将眼界放宽,不要只盯着四大的毕业生项目,难度大而且竞争激烈。要有的放矢的去根据自己的实际情况,去选择GP,有时候,政府机构或者一些中型公司反而能提供的空间和有针对性的专项培训更多。
Graduate Program每年开放招收1-2次。Mainround一般是在每年的3-4月份,4月底一般申请就都关闭了。由于Graduate Program竞争激烈,一般一个公司能收到成百上千份申请,所以一般需要1-4个月的时间审理。在这段时间当中,公司会先对所有申请者进行初步的“shortlist”,如果你被shortlisted了,可能会被邀请参加“Online Assessment”,“Phone interview”,“Assessment Centre Interview”直到最后的“Final interview”。并非每个公司都会有全部上述的项目,有的公司有可能只有2-3个,或者只有最后的Final interview,这主要取决于公司shortlist后剩余的可选人数,公司招募的Graduate数量,以及公司本身人事部的resource和budget。
关于开放Graduate Program的公司,最好的了解方式莫过于去大学里组织的CareerFair/Career Expo。一般大学一年会组织1-2次这样的event,像博览会一样,基本当地所有需要Graduate或者有GP的大公司都会有他们自己的展位,你既可以拿一份组织方制作的小册子(一般包含了到场的所有公司),也可以去展台前向公司代表了解公司。值得一提的是,公司代表并不一定是HR,有可能一个HR都没有,他们也一般不当场接受简历,他们的工作只是向你单方面的推荐和介绍他们的公司,会给你发一些小礼品或者小册子来增加你对他们公司的印象,所以同学们参加这些活动的时候并不需要自己带简历。
整理过event资料过后,先不要急着登陆各大公司网站一展身手投出几十份...先好好的准备好下面三样东西,简历(resume),coverletter和Academic Transcript.
Academic Transcript可以直接从学校开然后扫描进电脑。resume和coverletter需要你比较花心思,尤其是resume,千万不要抱着那种“只要有就可以了”的心态。因为resume就是你的脸...在HR决定见你前他们看到的只是成千张resume,只有那张长得跟别人不一样的脸才能脱颖而出,所以resume是会决定你入围资格的重要参考,不要想着之后获得面试机会以后再如何表现自己,resume不过关后面的事就更不会发生了。申请并不只是一时或者一张纸的事情,你可能要花1-2年时间来你的成功做好准备。机会是留给有准备的人的,金子也总是会发光的。
然后就是Cover letter,这个东西重不重要比较见仁见智,个人感觉算是一个bonus的元素。一般写coverletter的原则是保持在一页纸,尽量提一些和申请工作相关的内容,不过因为大家申请的都是graduateprogram 这样一个很general的东西,所以也不用专门为了每个申请的公司而改很多内容,当然如果你有时间或者对某个公司比较侧重的话也不妨这样做一下。
关于Cover letter或者resume,网上有很多sample,各个大学也应该会有workshop教你怎么写,或者如果你有朋友写的比较好也可以教别人改下或者proof reading下。在下对GP的理解是,要求申请者具有全方位的能力,包括Problem solving, team working, communication, leadership等等,尽量可以让你的简历和coverletter 体现出你具备这几方面的能力和经验。还是要多废句话,这2样东西一定要好好准备,因为你投的所有公司都需要这两样,所以如果你准备好了,每份申请都会给你带来希望。
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