
2017年11月01日 图南英语



















Citizenship curriculum 

Last month I published alongside my annual report a subject report on the development of citizenship in schools. The report celebrates the success of some schools in implementing the citizenship curriculum. It praises those schools where there have been substantial developments in the subject, and which now go a long way towards fulfilling national curriculum requirements. In the report we are critical of schools which have not taken citizenship seriously, either through reluctance or lack of capacity to make appropriate provision in the curriculum. Citizenship is marginalised in the curriculum in one fifth of schools. It is less well established in the curriculum than other subjects, and less well taught and some critics have seized on this as a reason for wanting to step back from supporting it. Yet, the progress made to date by the more committed schools suggests that the reasons for introducing citizenship are both worthwhile and can be fulfilled, given the time and resources. Indeed, those reasons are given added weight by national and global events of the past few months. While not claiming too much, citizenship can address core skills, attitudes and values that young people need to consider as they come to terms with a changing world

回忆 1:
● 是说国民课程的重要性。现在很多学校忽视,只有 1/5 的学校开的这课,然而这个课可以给学生skills and attitude 应该给予重视。
● 将 citizenship curriculum 就是 critical school 的这部分课比其他科目课少但是这门课很有价值。如果学生投入足够的时间,这门课可以让学生面对 changing world 变得自信,也可以解决学生缺乏领导力的问题等等。
Citizenship curriculum is very important for students, but it is neglected by many schools. There are only 1/5 schools introduced this class to campus and allocated less time than other subjects.
Moreover, the professor pointed out if given enough time in citizenship curriculum, it will be beneficial to improve student’s skills and install positive attitude towards the changing world and tackle the issues such as lack of leadership.

回忆 2:
Criticism of citizenship education in schools argues that merely teaching children about the theory of citizenship education is ineffective, unless schools themselves reflect democratic practices by giving children the opportunity to have a say over decision making.
It suggests that schools are fundamentally undemocratic institutions, and that such a setting cannot instill in children the commitment and belief in democratic values that is necessary for citizenship education to have a proper impact.

speaker 刚开始说了有很多学校做的很好,有些学校直接忽略了。中间讲了重要性,可以提供 skillsattitudes,beliefs/values, facing the Changing world. 后面的原因是 no commitment from the leadership , service training.


· And in that regard, as well as in other regards, it stands as an important contribution.

· Somepeople regarded this as eye wash whereas some people ask for the status of their complaints and actions taken.

· It is hard to observe the reaction of thecharacter.

· This is interesting in parliament.

· Climate change is a fierce phenomenon concentrated by scientists.



In a sequence of bestsellers, including The Language Instinct and How the Mind Works, Pinker has argued the swathes of our mental, social and emotional lives may have originated as evolutionary adaptions, well suited to the lives our ancestors eked out on the Pleistocene savannah. Sometimes it seems as if nothing is immune from being explained this way. Road rage, adultery, marriage, altruism, our tendency to reward senior executives with corner offices on the top floor, and the smaller number of women who become mechanical engineers—all may have their roots in natural selection, Pinker claims. The controversial implications are obvious: that men and women might differ in their inborn abilities at performing certain tasks, for example, or that parenting may have little influence on personality.



1. Another common mistake is to ignore or rule out data which do not support the hypothesis.
2. Ideally, the experimenter is open to the possibility that the hypothesis is correct or incorrect.
3. Sometimes, however, a scientist may have a strong belief that the hypothesis is true (or false), or feels internal or external pressure to get a specific result.
4. In that case, there may be a psychological tendency to find "something wrong", such as systematic effects, with data which do not support the scientist's expectations, while data which do agree with those expectations may not be checked as carefully.
5. The lesson is that all data must be handled in the same way.


· What do we call the date a piece of work must be finish by?—Deadline / Due date

· What do dermatologist specialized in? - Skin

· How do butterflies fly? - Flutter

· What is hematology related to? — Blood

· Which major branch of science deals with classification of human beings? —Biology




Mega city

This lecture is about the relationship of Resource and population.
In 1900, the population was about 1.5 billion and it increased 4 folds to 6 billion in 2000.
The increase of energy consumption increased by16 folds.
Due to globalization and urbanization, cities, which only account for 2% of the land, have 50% of the total population and consume 75% of the resources.
This lecture talks about mega city.
City population grows dramatically from 1.5 billion to 6 billion.
City only accounts for 2% of land but consumed 60% (80 %?) of resources. Consuming resources has increased 60 fold and it make big burden to the environment.

争议:consumed resources 是 60%,70%,还是 80%。


· A lot of agriculturalworkers came to the East End to look for alternative work.

· A periodical is apublication that is issued regularly.

· All essays and seminarpapers submitted must be emailed to your tutor.

· All students are encouragedto vote in the forthcoming elections.

· Does the college refectoryoffer vegetarian dishes on a daily basis?


· Technology has developed. People are dependent on technology in life. Is it good or not? Use examples from your own experience.

· It is often argued that studying overseas is overrated, and that there are many brilliant scholars who study locally. Is travel really necessary to attain a higher education? / Is travel the necessary component for quality education?


Beauty Contest

Animals and human 的不同在于human有思想会制定目标等这就是优于其他动物的特征

Skip breakfast

Parents control kids



prohibition act for wine

How tree ring dating 那篇(Dendrochronology)

Educational Quality & Equity 那篇







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