
2016年08月17日 图南英语





A Vulnerable Narcissist's Characteristic

The term narcissism, comes from an Ancient Greek and Roman myth - Narcissus, a handsome guy, who loved no one but himself and was unable to tear himself away from his own image. The definition of narcissism isan inflated, grandiose self-image, and narcissists consider themselves betterlooking, more inelligent, and more important than others. Narcissism is not simply just a type of personality, but actually a set of traits classified and studied by psychologists. They recognised 2 forms of narcissism, grandiose and vulnerable, and if these types were not controlled, they will both lead to an extreme type called narcissistic personality disorder.

The first type, grandiose, is the most general kind. They are extroversion, dominance and attention seeking. The second type is vulnerable, unlike grandiose, they tend to be quiet and reserved. They are easily threatened and slighted as they really care about entitlement. In either type, narcissists make themselves feel good, but people around them suffer. But they are still only the first level of narcissism, there is an extreme type called narcissistic personality disorder. It is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.

Lisa, was considered as a vulnerable narcissist, and the reason why I believe she is one of them is that she fits with all the personalities that a venerable narcissist would have, and we will be talking about her characteristics as a narcissist.

First of all, she is a quiet and reserved person, which is quite obvious because she likes to be by herself, doesn't really show herself a lot, and doesn't give out lots of opinions. Because I am totally an extroversion person, so I don't really know the reason for being quite and reserved, so I interviewed her. 

'Why are you so reserved? Don't you like sharing things with your friends?'

The answer I got was actually that she couldn’t be bothered. She thinks that explaining everything to people is just too much effort, and also she doesn't see the need to tell people things they haven't asked.

Then I asked if she has lots of communication with her parents, and the answer was no. She said if she has to choose between family and friends, she would rather choose to speak to a friend, as they are better listeners.

Then I asked about her thought on entitlement, and the answer was expected. She is acompetitive person and likes to be No. 1 all the time. I asked her if that's just for gaining attention, but she said it feels good to be first because it proves herself and it's a result for her hard work. She does like to gain attention by it but it's not the main reason.

'If you didn't do well in acompetition, do you feel threatened or slighted?'

'Yes', she said immediately, 'but there are two cases.' 

She explained that if she was always first, and people were already expecting her to be first, if someone beats her in the competition, she would feel very threatened by that person because that person did better than herself. But in the other case, if she was always around No.10, she won't feel slighted as she didn't get No.1, as long as there is an improvement, she feels satisfied.

From all those behaviours and characteristics, it does prove that Lisa is a venerable narcissist, but she is at a very low level. Because she still have the positivity to reach potential and as her friend who's always around her, I don't feel like I am suffering from her narcissism.

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