高频真题SST - Language Acquisition 听力原文剖析及解析

原创 2019年08月02日 7PLUS英语

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Child language acquisition, three little words. So let's take them on at a time.Child, 

when to start being a child? For many people, language acquisitionstarts around about twelve months when kids say that first word, but don't forgetthe first year. At the first year, our first year of life is very important as well and indeed beforeyou are born, remember there are couple of months before you are born, when you actually able to perceive in the womb(子宫), something of the language that's around you. So language acquisition starts earlier than most people think. And it also ends later than most people think. When does child language acquisition stop? Well, in asense, you know, we are all children, we stay being children all in our lives.There is no obvious endpoint for learning sounds, of course, there is for learning grammar, there is for vocabulary, huh. I mean that goes on for the rest of our lives in millionor more words in English. Most of us only have a vocabulary of 50, 60, 70 thousand words, whatever it is until there is always something to learn. So remember that two ends of child language acquisition are wider apart than some people think. That means there is more scope for studying in it than most people think.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gs_Mjl08-Eo [00:31-01:15]


全文的主题在录音的第一句已经提出: Child language acquisition,那么这个词组作为全文的Key words必须要记下来。Language acquisition 意思是语言习得,全文也就是再讲小孩子是从什么时候开始学习语言的?




接下来的一句话是是有信号词So开启的,说明这是一个总结观点的话,意思是说“语言的习得比大多数人认为的要开始的更早并且要结束的更晚。而且我们听到音频也有明显的放慢和重读,尤其是在earlierlater这两个词。所以这句总结观点的话需要记下: So language acquisition starts earlier than most people think. And it also ends later than most people think. 这句同时做了承上启下,从语言习得何时开始过渡到何时结束这件事,从后面的音频我们也能判断出。


录音用一个问句抛出了接下来要讲的重点,儿童的语言习得到何时停止?这里音频的stop很明显的重读,通过这个关键词的捕捉我们也就知道接下来他要开始具体讲语言习得的何时结束这件事了。问句抛出之后,讲解人说了不少过渡的话,这些话语速快且轻没什么特别的信息也并非重点。后面接着说道no obvious endpoint明显放慢+重读,这也就回答了他自己问的问题学习语音并没有明确的结束点。这句说完后后面开始了冗长的举例和展开,说可能学语法有结束点,学词汇有结束点,但是在我们剩余的生命中,英文上总是有东西要学的。这些再次强调了语言的习得并没有一个明显的结束。也就是我们所谓的:学无止境。


最后,So作为信号词,总结了全文的观点, Two ends of child language acquisition are wider apart than some people think. There is more scope for studying in it (这个it也就是指代language). 要特别注意这里的two endsend意思不是结束,而是“端”的意思,那么这句话的意思就是,学习语言的这个过程的两端都是比人们原以为的要宽的,人们学习语言的这个范围(scope)是更广的。句话说,也就是开始的更早,结束的更晚。




TopicChild language acquisition

重点句1our first year of life is very importantyou actually able to perceive in the womb

重点句2So language acquisition starts earlier than most people think. And it also ends later than most people think

重点句3There is no obvious endpoint for learning sounds

重点句4Two ends of child language acquisition are wider apart than some people think. There is more scope for studying in it


Our first year of life is very important for child language acquisition and kids can even perceive language before they are born, which means language acquisition starts earlier than most people think. Moreover, it also ends later because there is no obvious endpoint for learning sounds. Therefore, two ends of child language acquisition are wider apart than people think, and there is more scope for studying in language.








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