Manyworkers like nurses and teachers should get more pay, especially whenpeople work in finance are getting more pay nowadays. What is youropinion?
首先在开始构思我们的大作文的时候,要选择好总论点。这一篇的总论点还是很好辨析的。虽然是问‘whatis your opinion’, 但根据题目前面的提示,我们能写的观点无非是两个,一个是‘nursesand teachers should get more pay’, 一个是‘they should not get morepay’。在这道题目里,我们建议写一边倒的观点,对下文分论点展开比较容易。
drawmore talented people to the industry(吸引人才)
Higher pay- moresought-after occupation (受欢迎的职业)-a bigger talent pool (更大的人才库)-provision of exceptional educationand medical services(提供优异的教育和医疗服务)with highly skilled professionals-benefitthe whole society
1essential to the functioning of our society(对社会运作必不可少)
Nurse-has a broadand far-fetching role in delivering health care(提供卫生健康服务)and promoting public health (推动公共健康)
Teacher-facilitateknowledge construction
-havea significant andlifelong impacton students
-shape the futureof our society
2heavy workload(繁重的工作量)
Nurse- nightshifts(晚班),extended working hours (延长工作时间)tosustain a healthcaresystem which is already short-staffed(人员紧缺)
Teacher-Workover their contracted hours(工作超过合同时间)without pay
gradehomework, plan lessons, report to parents and principals
1high-riskgroup 护士
Havea close contractwith infectiousagents(亲密接触感染原)viruses,parasite, bacteriaetc.
Inadequatepersonal protectiveequipment (个人防护装备)
Insufficientprofessional training
-Higherrisk ofcontracting infectiousdisease thangeneral public
2increasing work stress 老师
Growingadministrative tasks
Beardisrespect andeven abuse fromparents
Keepup with newcurriculum reform(课程改革)
-teachers are morelikely to burn out and suffer from mental health problem
论点:First and foremost, nurses certainly should get ahigher pay considering the high risks of acquiring infections intheir workplace.
解释:To be more specific, while nurses are at the forefrontof saving lives and combating pandemics, the nature of their workmeans they are in close contact with viruses and bacteria. Fuelled byinadequate protective equipment and insufficient training, nurses aremuch more likely to contract infectious diseases than generalpopulation.
举例:Takecurrent COVID-19 pandemic as an example ,nurses and other healthcare workers make up more than 15 percent ofcoronavirus cases in the state of Victoria, according to a reportreleased by local government.
总结:Therefore, it is undoubted that nurses deserve a payrise given the grave risks entailed intheir job.
在写body段的时候,我们要避免一个误区,那就是不能用B不好来佐证A好。在这道题里,题目中虽然提到了‘peopleworking infinance’,但是不能用他们不应该获得高报酬来解释护士老师应该获得高报酬。提到金融从业人员是可以的,但是作文还是要围绕着护士老师展开。
这篇作文如果要写反方,即‘teacher and nurses should not get morepay’ 不是十分好写,但在这里仍然提供两个思路,仅供参考。
1Increasing pay-hospitals and schools need more government funding-puta financialstrain on localgovernment
2Higher salary- hospitals and schools with limited budget have to hirefewer employees- have a dire impact on current staff andsystem.