SWT新题解析 Our Common Future
The Brundtland Report, Our Common Future (1987), defines sustainable development as "development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs'. Implicit in this definition is the idea that the old pattern of development could not be sustained. Is this true? Development in the past was driven by growth and innovation. It led to new technologies and huge improvements in living standards. To assume that we know what the circumstances or needs of future generations will be is mistaken and inevitably leads to the debilitating sense that we are living on borrowed time。
开篇文章提及了一份报告the Brundtland Report,这份报告给出了一个可持续发展的定义,同时文章给出了这个定义的细节内容——对于SWT来说,绝大多数情况下,这种细节的解释我们都是不需要去总结的,我们只需知道,这份报告给出了一个可持续发展的定义即可。接下来,文章说“这个定义里暗示着过去的发展模式并非可持续的”,并且具体的介绍了过去的发展模式是怎样的,最后给出了一个评论——去假设我们知道未来人们的需要和所面对的情况是错误的。
去判断我们应该总结什么内容,首先我们要对SWT答题的核心概念有一个基本的了解,即“只总结新观点”,我们在思考一个信息点是否需要总结的时候,可以去想一下“它是否提出了一个前文未提及的观点?是否引出了一个新的讨论?”根据这个思路,我们可以很容易看出,第一段的内容其实分为了三个主要的信息点——1)the Brundtland Report提出了可持续发展的定义;2)这个定义认为过去的发展模式不可持续;3)提出反对建议:假设未来的需求是错误的——因此我们总结的部分也只需涵盖这部分内容即可,在字数允许的情况下,可以适当增加一部分必要的细节,例如解释过去的发展模式时,可以点出“过去的发展模式时由增长和创新所驱动的”这一小点。而最后一句,仅需总结“To assume that we know what the circumstances or needs of future generations will be is mistaken”即可,后半段说它带来了一种虚弱的感觉,其实是对这一观点的进一步阐述,可以不用写入总结之中。
Only if we assume that society will remain static can we understand the needs of the future. The way we live today could not have been predicted twenty years ago. The sustainability paradigm fails to recognize this. It is a static view and thus places limits on human in genuity. Similarly, a whole host of false assumptions dominate environmental thought; the scale of problems is exaggerated, the amount of resources is underestimated and spurious links are made between areas such as green policies and profit, poverty and environmental degradation. Those of us who want a better future need to question these assumptions.
第二段紧接着第一段,开头部分先说只有我们假设社会是一成不变的,我们才能去预测未来人们的去求,这一部分内容相当于对第一段中“这个假设是错误的”进行的进一步论述,给出了反对观点的原因,而之后的内容“我们如今的生活方式也无法在二十年前被预知到”同样是对它的一个展开解释。之后,文章提到了“The sustainability paradigm fails torecognize this”, 表达出那些可持续发展的范例并没有意识到这个事情,而这一句话里的this,指代其实就是前文的观点,由于社会是持续发展的,所以我们无法预测到未来人们所面临的情况和需求。接下来,我们可以看到一个Similarly(同样的),而当Similarly这个词出现在文章里,它意味着”前文的重点已经讨论结束,接下来要开始讨论另一个重点了“,因此我们需要关注后续的内容,它提及到”一大堆错误的假设支配着环境思想“,并且同样给出了细节内容,具体是哪些错误的思想,和前文相同,这一部分的细节内容我们是无需总结的。最后,对于这个错误思想,文章给出了回应“我们需要去质疑这些错误思想”。
1. the Brundtland Report提出了可持续发展的定义
2. 这个定义认为过去的发展模式不可持续
3. 提出反对建议:假设未来的需求是错误的
4. (因为)只有假设社会一成不变,我们才能预测未来人们的需求
5. (然而)可持续发展的范例却没有注意到这个问题
6. (另一个问题)同时,有许多错误的思想在主导着环保领域
7. 我们需要去质疑这些错误的想法
The definition of sustainable development in the Brundtland Report implies the old pattern of development driven by growth and innovation could not be sustained, but to assume that we know what future generations needis mistaken, because the sustainability paradigm fails to recognize only if we assume that society will remain static can we understand the needs of the future, so peopleneed to question many false assumptions which dominate environmental thought.
(72 words)

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