
2018年09月26日 DNC澳洲求职


















 DNC精英荟 Meet a Mentor第一季 



Interview Topic

<Guide for International students to get into Investment Banks>

Guest: Richard

MC: Louis


- Head of equity and trading (Deutsche Bank Australia 2013 -2018)

- Equity management committee (Deutsche Bank Australia 2013 -2018)

- Head of cash equity trading (Deutsche Bank Australia 2008 -2013)

- Member of graduate recruitment committee (Deutsche Bank Australia 2008 -2018)

- Head of Portfolio Trading (Deutsche Bank Australia 2005 -2008)

- Facilitation Trader, REITS market maker (Goldman Sachs 2000 to 2005)

-  Graduate Equity Trader (Goldman Sachs JBWere 1999 to 2000)



Hi Richard. I’m so excited to have you here! I’ve known you for a while and this is the first time interviewing you here, so thanks! And welcome!

Richard今天请到您真是太高兴了. 虽然认识您一段时间了, 但还是第一次采访您. 欢迎!


Thanks for having me!



My pleasure!

You know a lot of students, especially international students who are wanting to kick off their careers in the investment banking sector struggles to get a job or even an internship.

其实有很多学生, 特别是想在投行发展的留学生对于找实习或正式工作都很头疼.

I know you are an expert in this area, and your advice would definitely help those who are listening!

我知道您在这方面是个专家, 您给的建议肯定能给正在聆听的观众们莫大的帮助!

So actually, we’ve gathered some of the most wanted ask question from International students.

所以呢, 今天我们准备了一些留学生最想问的问题.

And I’d love to take this time to talk about your early career and how you discovered your calling


Question 1

So, let’s go back to when you were college age, did you wanted to get in Investment banks specifically?  And how did you get in? (0:44)

让我们回到您还在大学的时候, 当时您明确自己想进投行吗?还有您是怎么进的呢?


Look I mean, Investment banking right everyone loves it, because of the money, everyone loves it because of the pressure, you know, fast cars a lot of money, who wouldn't right? Yup, I loved investment banking, I think I originally got in because I was good at playing computer games. One of the finance lectures required an assignment to be done and the project was to market make for an unknown security without information flow and to see how long you can last basically, with a set amount of money. So, my roommate at the time, was enrolled in finance and I was a marketing graduate and he said ‘You know, since you love computer game so much, would you mind playing a computer game for me? ‘So, I tried it, you know what? I topped the score! So, he said, why don’t you try finance? You must be very good at it. And I thought, ok well, I’ll give it a try. It all started from the computer game.

投资银行对吧, 每个人都喜欢因为在那儿能日进斗金, 因为(那儿有使你成长的)压力, 跑车和财富谁不爱呢? 我很热爱投行, 但我想我进入这行的原因是因为我电脑游戏玩得好.当时我的一门金融课发布了个assignment, 需要在没有信息流以及只有一定资金的情况下给一个未知证券创造市场,最后看你能维持多久. 当时我的室友是个金融生而我是学市场的, 他说 “既然你游戏玩这么好, 不如你帮我玩一下?”然后我就试了试, 没想到我居然得了第一! 他就说 “你为啥不试试金融呢”, 我就想“那好吧, 我就试一试”. 所以一切都是从电脑游戏开始的.

(没想到导师竟然是通过这样的方式与投行结缘呀! 看来就算学的不是金融, 要是分析能力强的话投行也不是梦啦!)

Question 2:

What’s the day like in an investment bank? And what is the career path like for an early graduate?  (2:05)

在投行工作是怎样的体验呢? 在投行毕业生的职业道路又会是如何呢?

I started my graduate career at JB wear which later become Goldman Sachs in Australia, um, I mean, the graduate program back then you know it’s very different to the graduate program now because the Goldman Sachs graduate program back then was you know you start the day with/by getting coffee for your mentor and getting breakfast for the whole desk, and then you are in charge of a piece of white board, and because back then there is no LED TVs weren’t around and you basically have to write down client flow so what client are interested buying what clients are interested in selling, what announcement are out today, what we are expecting the earning season to bring to us, and what are some of the major flows overnight from the offshore desks.

So, I mean a lot of that has changed, nowadays, for example the Deutsch graduate program you spend the first 3 months in Australia and then you spend the next month and a half in the UK with rest of the globe graduates. So, you all stay in a service apartment you attend lectures and then you will be assessed at the end of it, in term of academic performance and all that. So that’s quite different.

我是在澳洲的高盛开启我职业生涯的. 当时的管培生项目与现在的大有不同. 以前在高盛你开始一天的方式通常是帮你的导师买咖啡或是帮一整桌的人买早餐, 然后呢你就会负责一整块的白板因为当时根本没有LED电视,基本上你就得写下所有客户信息比如他们感兴趣买卖的产品, 当天最新的公告, 旺季的预期收入, 前夜海外机构下的大宗股金单. 但现在已经改变很多了. 举个例子现在德意志银行的管培生项目呢, 前三个月你会在澳洲工作接下来的一个半月你将在英国与世界各地的毕业生一起. 住在公寓里, 一起上课, 最后公司会根据你们的成绩等方面对你们进行评估. 所以还蛮不同的.


In terms of career path, it really depends on which division you end up in, in investment bank you have the front office, middle office and the back office. You have client facing staff, product facing staff. For example, I am very much a product facing person, I run trading at Deutsch bank and for that at Goldman Sachs, so you know, I face products more than clients, but that's not to say that I don’t talk to clients at all. I do speak to a lot of high profile clients at the same time, but I’d say 80% of my time is spent dealing with products and trading and PNLs.

职业道路方面呢, 这取决于你最后就职与哪个部门. 投行有前台中台以及后台, 有面向客户的员工也有面相产品的员工. 举个例子, 我是一个十足的面向产品的人, 我在德意志和高盛都主要负责产品交易. 但这不表示我完全不跟客户打交道. 我同时也与很多高净值客户有来往, 但我80%的时间都是花在trading还有PNL的.

寄语: 进入投行之前了解自己适合哪个职位或部门将决定以后的职业道路, 所以必须做好调查深度了解行业信息哦!

Question 3:

What’s the chance of an international student to get into the front office? and what kind of preparations do they need to do?  (need re-record question) (4:22)

对于留学生来说进入前台的几率大吗? 他们需要做怎样的准备呢?

An international student is a student, your advantage is the fact that you’re bilingual, more importantly as a Chinese international student you have a very solid understanding of Chinese culture which in my view is much more important than the language itself. Because in 10 years time google translate is going to be able to translate everything much quicker than everyone else can, the fact that you understand culturally what things mean in Chinese is much more important than the language itself.

There are certain things that the Chinese education and background can bring to for example a Chinese international student, I think Chinese students by experience myself included are very good at maths. We tend to excel in trading related roles, people might perceive us be less able to take on pressure and risk, I don’t agree with that because I’m Chinese and I was a Chinese international student I don’t have any problem taking pressure nor risk. And a lot of times we are a lot more understanding of difficult scenarios and situations where it requires someone to have a high emotional quota (EQ). I think Chinese students are great at it, you can go out there and diffuse some very difficult and tricky situations.

留学生与所有其他学生都一样, 而你的优势是你掌握着两门语言, 更重要的是, 作为一个中国留学生你对中华文化的理解是根深蒂固的,而这在我看来比你会中文还有用. 因为在十年后谷歌翻译的速度可能可以快过所有人. 所以我说, 你对于中国文化的理解是比文字的理解更关键的.

中华背景与教育可以带来几样优势, 比如说中国留学生 (包括曾经的我自己)数学都特好. 我们倾向于在贸易/交易相关的工作上表现得更卓越. 有些人会认为我们抗压与承担风险能力较弱, 这观点我不敢苟同, 因为我自己作为曾经的留学生在两点上没有一点问题. 而且在很多尴尬,困难需要高情商的场合的时候我们更能体谅与理解别人. 中国留学生在这点上做的很好, 你们能在轻松化解很棘手的事情.

Question 4:

What are some personal experience and qualities you are looking for when recruiting for an IBD position?  (6:26)



2 things.

1. Make sure you’re correctly prepared.  Attend all the right training, seek out a lot of professional help that can actually get you there, and part of that is of course get your understanding of what investment banks do, get your CV, make sure you have the right interview techniques.

2. Having persistence. You just have to keep on trying,


第一: 我希望学生们在申请工作前做好正确的准备. 如果需要, 参加所有的相关训练, 去寻找专业的,真正能够帮你达成目标的帮助. 当然了这包括了解投行如何运作, 写好简历还有确保你拥有正确的面试技巧.

Q: So it seems like as long as you've got enough experience and preparations done before applying for a role at investment banks, no matter whether if you’re local or international they’re all the same right? (7:12)


看来只要学生们有一些相关经验,做好了准备的话, 不管他们是留学生还是当地学生在面试官眼里他们都是一样的对吗?

I mean for a graduate position, the expectation of you to have experience is quite limited. No one is going to expect you to walk into the front office to be able to price options and to be able to manage a $100 million-dollar risk book. That’s probably your second year onwards, but to be able to compete against your peers, having the base knowledge of what an investment bank actually does is actually quite important. You don’t want to walk into an interview situation and be asked a question “so which area do you like more? research sales or sales trading?” and you look at the interviewer completely blank.

I found that a lot of students are having that problem when they come to an interview and having a mind blank when throw at a question like that.

That is something you can gain by talking to someone who’s worked in the area before or seek professional training.  I mean let’s face it, that is probably the most important part of the interview “which area you want to have your career in?” and having no idea of what that question actually meant is pretty silly.

管培生的职位而言, 我们不期望你们有很多工作经验. 没人会要求你在踏进前台的第一天就开始给期权(options)定价管理一亿刀的risk book. 这都是你第二年往后的职责了, 但你想从同期生中脱颖而出的话, 了解投行的基本运作知识是必不可少的. 你不会想走进面试时被问到类似 “所以你比较喜欢投行的那个部门? Research & sales 还是sales & trading?”的这种问题, 然后脑袋一空呆若木鸡.

不过这些都是你可以通过咨询在投行工作过的人, 或专业培训所提升的. 我的意思是, “你最希望在哪个部门就业?” 大概是整个面试过程中最重要的问题了, 当你连这问题该怎么回答都不知道时会显得你很愚蠢.

Question 5:

How many graduates do you recruit every year? And can you share with us, some of the tips when applying for investment banks?  (8:54)

每年你们都招募多少管培生呢? 您能分享一些申请投行的技巧吗?


Look, from a top tier investment bank you’re looking at, anywhere between 10-20 graduate or intern positions each year, that covers every area within the front to end office, excluding IT. You’d obviously seek out students from different disciplines. Investment banks used to purely source their graduates from a commerce or economics background, that has really changed in the last 10 years. Some of my most profitable and best graduates has been engineers, and one of them actually carried a robotic arm into his final round interview to impress me.

顶级的投行每年都会招募大约10-20个管培生或实习生, 这包括了所有前台到后台的职位, 除开IT. 当然了, 我们会寻找来自不同专业的学生. 投行过去只招商科或经济背景的学生, 这在过去的十年改变了很多. 我带的一些最赚钱的学生都是工程师, 其中一个人还带了一只机械手臂到最后一轮面试来打动我.

Q:Well, that seems quite irrelevant to finance?

Look, on the surface yes, but in reality, what you don’t want is to recruit a group of people who thinks exactly the same, was taught by the same teacher and makes same sort of decisions for same scenarios, that becomes a nightmare for risk management and for personnel management as well.

在表面上看是的, 但事实是, 我们不想招一群被同一个老师教出来的, 思想相同并且只会相同类型决策的学生, 这将成为风险管理企业和人事部门的噩梦

The robotic arm example you talked about, that really made the engineering student stand out. Can you share with us some of the interview tips to make students stand out?

那位带了机械手臂的学生一下子让自己与他人区分开来了. 您能分享一些能让大家脱颖而出的面试技巧吗?

Sure, interview techniques, think one of the most important thing is be prepared, you have to do your homework. You have to understand which bank you’re interviewing with and what their background is and what the role is that you’re interviewing for. One of the silliest mistakes I have ever experienced being on the graduate recruitment committee for nearly 10 years was this graduate that we really really liked, when we asked him so what’s your top choice of employer that graduate kept repeating other banks not the bank she is interviewing with. So much so that she appeared so good on paper that I asked my fellow interviewer whether or not we can give her a break and give her another chance, we did that, but she came back with an exact same answer.

She was really nervous, she probably just repeated whatever she wrote down and recited and memorized. That’s unfortunate but, it’s things like that, so be confident, be prepared, and don’t lie tell the truth, no one is going to want 10 years of trading experience from a graduate, so its ok, so if you don't run your hedge fund at the age of 22.

没问题, 我认为最重要的面试技巧之一就是做好准备, 你必须做好功课. 必须了解你面试公司的背景还有你面试的职位的内容. 我在管培生委员会近10年以来遇到过最愚蠢的例子, 是一个我们非常非常喜欢的毕业生. 当我们问她 “你的首选雇主是哪些?” 的时候, 她居然一直重复着其他银行的名字而不是我们的 (德意志). 因为她书面信息看上去很完美, 我和同事决定再给她一次机会, 但她还是带着同样的回答回来.

她真的非常紧张, 大概当时她只是在重复事先记住的答案了吧.  诸如此类的事儿的确很不幸, 所以自信点儿, 准备好还有别撒谎, 说真话哦! 没人会要求一个毕业生有10年的投行交易经验, 所以当你22岁的时候没管理过hedge fund也没事儿啦!

寄语: 导师在采访中多次强调了解投行内部各个岗位和职责对于学生在应聘时候的重要性, 提前做好就业与面试的准备正是能让你从人群里立刻区别开来的最好技巧!

Question 6:

(so I have heard) There has been some misunderstanding or misconception about females being really suitable for a particular role in the investment bank, is that true? (12:30)

这段时间我听到了一些误解, 说是女性特别适合投行的某些岗位这是真的吗?


I think that’s definitely not true, I think any roles within an investment bank is personality driven or experience driven rather than gender driven, I don't think female or male for that matter is better at certain roles than the other, I mean, it cannot differentiate base on gender, but rather you can base on personality for example: if you’re good at managing relationships or great attentional to detail and you can always diffuse very difficult situations you’ll be perfect for research sales, which basically sells investment bank research, research analyst, meetings to buy side clients and you manage the clients relationship at a portfolio manager level. if you are like me who loves to stay up all hours of the night and loves pressure, numbers and loves dealing with challenging situations then trading is a right area for you.

Yeah, it’s really personality driven. I’ve met a lot of high ranking female traders and well renowned research sales people who actually became heads of equities in top tier investment banks that are female or males, so it’s not really a question about gender at the end of the day. It’s all about your personality, and how you can best find a role that suites your personality and how well you apply yourself to that role.

我认为这绝对是错的, 我觉得任职于任何投行的岗位都取决于个人的性格或经验这跟性别无关. 我不认为女性或男性在某些岗位更加胜任, 我们不能用性别来区分但可以通过性格来辨别. 例如, 如果你对于管理人际关系擅长,对细节很注重或者擅于化解危机那你就很适合research & sales的岗位. 这职位的主要内容就是买卖投行调研,与买方客户的沟通还有在portfolio manager的层面管理客户关系. 如果你像我一样喜欢做夜猫子,喜欢压力, 数字和具有挑战性的情况那么trading就是适合你的岗位.

所以做什么职位都基于你的性格. 我遇到过很多最后在顶级投行成为heads of equities的高职位女性trader与一些有名的research & sales人物. 所以这问题绝不是关于性别, 而且关于你的性格, 关于你该怎样找到一个适合你个人品质的职位.

Question 7:

Speaking of that, it seems like not everyone is suitable for a position at investment banks. For those students who are studying finance what would be their career options if they don’t get in?  

说到这, 看来不是所有人都适合在投行的前台工作. 那对于那些还在学习金融的学生来说, 如果进不去投行他们未来的职业发展会是如何呢?


Don't give up I’d say, never really give up, I seldomly ever hire people in graduate position that was their first try, investment banks are now hiring graduate students that are in their mid to late twenties even, that gives you at least 2-3years of time to gather experiences from other places. My best grad came from EY who was in auditing he always wanted to go into a trading role in an investment bank, but he couldn’t get in for the first 3 years, so he kept trying but except for the position at EY and I’ve eventually hired him.

我会告诉他们, 别放弃, 永不放弃. 我很少会招到第一次应聘就成功进入投行的学生. 投行现在会招年龄在25-30岁的毕业生, 这给你大概2-3年的准备时间来积攒经验. 我最优秀的毕业生来自于EY的审计岗位, 他一直很想进投行但是他前三年一直没进, 但他一直在尝试, 我最后也要了他.

Ending question

Well the clock is ticking, and we are running out of time. If you can only give one advice to future applicants, what would that be? (re-record)

太遗憾了, 时间快到了. 我必须在最后问你一个最重要的问题. 如果你只能给听众们一个建议的话你会说?


I think the most important thing is, take your chance, persistence, and continue to improve yourself, if you really like investment banking, try It, apply for it, don’t be turned off just because you got rejected. Keep on trying, continue to improve yourself, because you need to compete against a lot of other students for exactly the same role, if you improve yourself by attending professional training by getting better understanding through reputable training firms such as DNC consulting you will dramatically improve your performance and chances. Lastly, never give up. Just because the competition was fierce this time round, it doesn't reflect poorly on you, just because you didn't get in this year.

我觉得最重要的就是: 把握好手中的机会, 坚持还有继续提升你自己. 如果你真的很喜欢投行, 那就去尝试把! 去申请, 别因为被拒绝了一两次就气馁. 坚持下去, 继续提升你自己, 因为你在与很多其他学生都在竞争着同一个职位, 但如果你通过像DNC这样有声望的机构参加专业培训的话, 你将大幅度地提升你自己的表现与应聘成功率.最后的最后, 永不放弃! 仅仅因为这次的竞争强大不代表你自己不行!



Well, thanks so much Richard for being here today!  It has been so fruitful talking to you and I’m sure our students will receive much insights from your advice!

好的, 谢谢Richard导师! 今天与您的交谈实在收获颇丰, 我相信听众学生们也能从你的建议中收获到不少的!


Thank you, have a nice day



You too


(图左一 Marketing Director Sophia M, 中 Richard B, 右 DNC CEO Sonia S)









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