Should there be a wage cap for highly paid people? Is it good or bad?
1. Equality平等
Reduce inequality 减少不平等现象à contribute to social cohesion 促进社会和谐
Low-income families 低收入的家庭live in poverty 生活在贫困中
Bridge income gap and realize income equality 缩小收入差距,实现收入平等
Achieve the goal of income redistribution 达到财富再分配的目的
rising wage disparities are one of the key drivers of inequality
By putting a plug on both ends of the pay scale we help ensure decent living standards for all and avoid the negative consequences
Efficiency 效率
Curb corruption 减少腐败现象
Avoid nepotism 避免裙带关系/任人唯亲
Extremely high levels of pay among executives have encouraged risk-taking behavior
Hinder the overall productivity of a company 阻碍公司的生产力
1. Responsibility 责任
Certain positions like manager take more responsibilities than others 一些高薪岗位比其他工作需要承担更多的责任
Those jobs which should take more responsibilities should deserve a higher income 他们应当得到更高的报酬
Skills 技能
Those highly paid people usually have more sophisticated and specialized skills 高新人士通常掌握更加复杂且专业化的技能
Have a wide range of experience 拥有多重多样的经验
Invest more resources in education 需要投入更多资源在教育上
Creating huge commercial value 创造了巨大的商业价值
Innovation 创新
The maximum wages will stifle innovation 工资上限会扼杀创新
Lead to brain drain 导致人才流失(brain drain 国家层面的人才流失)
talents will flock to the country where there are less constraints /less-constrained countries. 人才将会涌向限制更少的国家
