
原创 2019年10月07日 信为plus


今天,信为留学移民(S&W Consulting)的资深移民法专家从法律出发给大家解答一下相关政策的细微之处,让大家避免人云亦云,避免想当然,避免知道答案但不知所以然,让自己的移民之路更加清晰和轻松。





4、Condition 8578满足的关键要素;



7、去另一偏远地区,是否需要release letter?




1.    491签证与489相比,有哪些主要改变?

  • 新的打分政策下获得的分数更高,偏远地区州政府担保加分从10分变为15 (Sch 6D13);

  • 签证长度从4年增加到5年;

  • 偏远地区定义扩大,之前不能申请489的地区如,堪培拉、纽卡斯尔、卧龙岗也被加入了491的行列(更多信息:Q6);

  • 增加了新的签证条款,如8578 notify immigration of changes within 14 days等来确保该签证对于申请人的强制力(更多信息:Q3 & Q4);

  • 增加了最低收入要求目前确定为税前收入$53,900,和TSMIT一致(更多信息:Q3

  • 去掉了一定要工作和居住的要求(更多信息:Q3);

  • 如果New Skilled Regional Visas Bill 2019得到通过,491签证持有人将会得到类似于PR的福利,而489则没有;

  • 489签证持有期间可以自由地申请其他类型的签证,而491签证持有期间,除非住满3年,不可以申请132/188/189/190/186等签证,提前获得PR(更多信息:Q9


2.    491继承了哪些489原有的特性?

  • PR,拿到签证后政策改变基本不会影响申请191/887(配额、分数及职业清单都不再影响);

  • 依然可以在任意偏远地区中居住工作和学习,而非限定在担保你的州(更多信息:Q7);

  • 持有489/491过桥签证期间的工作(更多信息:Q5)。


3.    887191签证对于居住、工作及收入的要求具体是怎样的?有什么不同?





 (a)  必须持有489签证满2年才可以递交887

Item 1136(7)(b)

the applicant seeking to satisfy the primary criteria for the grant of the visa must have been, for a total of at least 2 years before the day on which the application was made, the holder of 1 of the following visas: …(v)  a Skilled —Regional Sponsored (Provisional) (Class SP) visa…

这是887Schedule 1 requirement,意思是必须满足这条才可以递交一个有效申请,大家可以看出,必须持有489签证至少2年才可以递交有效的887申请,持有过桥期间不算。

(b) 持有489或过桥期间在偏远地区居住满2年


The applicant must have lived in a specified regional area for a total of at least 2 years as the holder of 1 or more of the following visas:

(e)  a Skilled— Regional Sponsored (Provisional) (Class SP visa);

or (f)  aBridging A (Class WA) visa, or a Bridging B (Class WB) visa, that was granted on the basis of a valid application for: (iii)  a Skilled — Regional Sponsored (Provisional)(Class SP) visa.




The applicant must have worked full-time in a specified regional area for a total of at least 1 year as the holder of 1 or more of the visas mentioned in clause 887.212.




(1)  While the applicant was the holder of:

(e)  a Skilled— Regional Sponsored (Provisional) (Class SP) visa;

the applicant must have substantially complied with the conditions to which that visa is or was subject.

在持有489签证期间,申请人基本(substantially)遵守了签证条款。主要就是condition 8539,申请人在澳期间,必须在偏远地区工作,生活及学习。







(a)  递交191签证时必须已经持有了491签证3年以上

11393(c) If an applicant is seeking to satisfy the primary criteria for the grant of a Subclass 191 (Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional)) visa, the applicant holds a regional provisional visa and has held that visa for at least 3 years.




(1) The applicant complied substantially with the conditions (other than condition 8579) to which the following visas were subject:

(a) the regional provisional visa held by the applicant at the time of application;

(b) any subsequent bridging visa held by the applicant

(2) The applicant complied with condition 8579 to which the regional provisional visa held by the applicant at the time of application was subject unless the applicant is included in a class of person specified in an instrument under subclause (3).

这里的condition 8579是居住在偏远地区的条款,所以意思可以翻译成,持有491签证期间必须满足8579条款,居住在偏远地区(注意,这里没有substantially,所以要求更加严格);而对于其他条款(8578通知改地址;858028天内提供移民局要求的证据;8581如被要求需要参加面试),则在持有签证期间或相关的过桥签证期间,需要基本遵守(comply substantially)。


Comply substantially是一个内容很丰富的法律定义,关于substantial法庭有很多案子围绕关于多少比例算substantial,但至今法律没有给出明确的定义。一个比较安全的approach51%,如果超过51%的时间你没有违法签证条款,那么可以算substantial comply

新的191里针对8579条款删掉了substantial字样,这就意味着完全不可以违反签证条款。我们来用例子说明,489的持有者4年里在偏远地区住了3年,在大城市住了1年,这依然算是substantial comply,是可以申请887签证的,但在491下是无法获批191签证的,因为一旦non-compliance发生,不管比例多少,都会导致拒签。

(c) 3年的应纳税收入不低于移民部长指定的数字($53,900)


(1) The applicant has provided copies of notices of assessment, and any notices of amended assessments, given to the applicant under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 in relation to 3 relevant income years for the applicant.

(2) The applicant’s taxable income for each of those relevant income years is at least equal to the amount specified in an instrument under subclause (3) in relation to the applicant.

申请人提供了3年的税单(Notice of Assessment), 并且每年的应纳税所得额(Taxable income)必须高于移民部长指定的数字(目前为$53,900)。


Relevant income tax years的定义包含了持有491/494签证的完整的以及不完整的财年,也就是说,如果491签证批准的时间为2020110日,那么2019-2020财政年度也可以算为relevant income tax year

同样,如果491签证的过期日期为2025110日,那么2024-2025财年也算relevant income tax year。最后,只要属于relevant income tax year的年份都可以用来满足这3年的收入要求,所以并不需要连续3年。也就是说,如果中间有一年的收入不够,那么可以继续用下一年来凑。但491签证过期之后的新财年就不能算在内了

通过对比我们可以看到,887的居住2年和工作1年的要求在191里没有了,而变成持有该签证至少3年,遵守签证条款,并且3年的纳税收入达到$53,900这意味着491的持有人既不必须居住在澳洲(condition 8579只要求人在澳洲的时候居住在偏远地区),也不要求一定要打工,自己做生意的收入也是完全可以的。点应该是191最大的改变。



应纳税所得额不要求一定是工资收入,只要符合税法规定的收入都可以,比如投资收入,做生意的收入,房租收入等,或者混合起来,我们这里不再赘述,但提醒大家要注意:Taxable income并不一定和你的年薪或PAYG Summary上的数字是一致的,claim tax deduction,使用家庭信托都有可能会影响Taxable income,请务必委托专业的会计师来处理税务问题,并且在退税前书面告知会计师taxable income不可以低于53,900tax deduction要谨慎。

4.    Condition 8579的关键要素是哪些?


Condition 8579

(1) If the visa is a Subclass 491 (Skilled Work Regional (Provisional)) visa, the holder, while in Australia, must live, work and study only in a part of Australia that was a designated regional area at the time the visa was granted.




另外,前文已经提到,191针对condition 8579的遵守部分去掉了‘substantially’的字眼,所以需要严格遵守。如果人在澳洲的时候在大城市工作居住了哪怕只有1个月,也有可能会因为不满足191.213(2)而被拒绝签证。


5.    持有489491过桥签证期间的居住和工作算数吗?




The applicant must have lived in a specified regional area for a total of at least 2 years as the holder of 1 or more of the following visas:

(e)  a Skilled — Regional Sponsored (Provisional)(Class SP visa);

or(f)  a Bridging A (Class WA) visa, or aBridging B (Class WB) visa, that was granted on the basis of a valid application for: (iii)  a Skilled — Regional Sponsored (Provisional) (Class SP) visa.


如果持有的签证没有工作限制,如485签证,虽然过桥签证尚未生效(not in effect),但你依然是过桥签证A的持有者。

这是根据Migration Act 1958对于visa holder的定义:

Section 77    Visas held during visa period

To avoid doubt, for the purposes of this Act, a non-citizen holds a visa at all times during the visa period for the visa.

Visa period, in relation to a visa, means the period:

(a)  beginning when the visa is granted; and

(b)  ending:

(i)  in the case of a visa other than a bridging visa — when the visa ceases to be in effect; or

(ii)  in the case of a bridging visa — when the visa ceases to be in effect otherwise than under subsection 82(3);

由于这不是移民法科普课,我就不再往下详细追述s82(3)里的内容,有兴趣同学可以自己去看。简单来说,在持有实质性签证期间,虽然过桥签证尚未生效,但你依然可以算是这个签证的visa holder,所以工作时间可以计算。PAM3里对此也有具体的解释。




11393(c) If an applicant is seeking to satisfy the primary criteria for the grant of a Subclass 191(Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional)) visa, the applicant holds a regional provisional visa and has held that visa for at least 3 years.

191签证没有具体居住时间的要求,而改为要求持有签证至少3年,这个时间是不计算过桥签证期间的。而对于3个财年的收入达标则如Q3所说,491签证获批的那个财政年度的收入是可以算为1年的,因为满足relevant income year的定义的:


relevant income year: an income year is a relevant income year for an applicant if:

(a) the income year ended before the date of application; and

(b) the applicant held a regional provisional visa for all or part of the income year.



6.    持有489签证,可以在1116号以后去堪培拉或纽卡斯尔这样的新晋偏远地区累计居住和工作时间吗?


The short answer is: NO.




If an applicant applies for the Subclass 887 visa on the basis of having held:

(f)  a Skilled — Regional Sponsored (Provisional)(Class SP) visa that is subject to condition 8549;

a specified regional area is a part of Australia that, at the time at which a visa of that kind was first granted to the applicant, was specified by the Minister in an instrument in writing under item 6701 of Schedule 6 or was a designated area.




7.    拿到489491签证后可以搬去另外一个偏远地区吗?是否需要release letter?


其一,从法律角度来说,489/491的签证持有者是可以在不同的偏远地区之间自由搬迁的。无论condition 8539/8579,还是887/191签证里的相关法条,里面都没有任何相关规定必须居住在当时提名你的州,而只是说是a specified regional area。这里的specified regional area并不是指当时提名你的那个area,而是移民部长签署的legislative instrument里面的那些’specified regional area’,所以所有的regional area都是specified regional area


其二,在申请887191签证的过程中,并不需要州政府担保,州政府的意见并没有任何影响签证申请的能力,所以更换地区,只要还是在偏远地区,是不会影响887/191的签证申请的。从法律角度,我不认为某些州政府要求已经获批489的持有人离开前申请release letter有任何的法律效力。州政府有要求的权利,但并无对PR阶段施加影响的能力。


8.    190签证获批以后必须要在指定地区住满2年吗?




不同于187132签证,移民法里没有针对190cancellation power,而190签证作为PR是没有任何visa condition的,所以移民局无权利因为申请人搬离担保州而取消签证。这里我们要声明的是,我们并不是鼓励大家拿到190后就“逃跑”,而是告诉大家,如果你在担保的州找不到工作,生活苦苦挣扎,是没有必要为了这份“承诺”而去咬牙硬顶的,因为只要你当时申请190时候的意向不存在欺骗,那么后面有合理理由的搬家(比如更好的工作机会)从法律上来说是安全的。


9.    489491的同学可以再尝试申请189190,尽早拿到PR吗?






(1) If, at the time of application:

(a) the applicant held a Subclass 491 (Skilled Work Regional (Provisional)) visa or a Subclass 494 (Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional)) visa; or

(b) the last substantive visa held by the applicant was a Subclass 491 (Skilled WorkRegional (Provisional)) visa or a Subclass 494 (Skilled Employer SponsoredRegional (Provisional)) visa;

the applicant must have held that visa for at least 3 years at the time of application unless circumstances specified in an instrument under subclause (2)exist.

(2) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, specify circumstances for the purposes of subclause(1).




有此类签证的签证类别包括:132(商业天才) 186(雇主担保),188(商业创新),189(独立技术),190(州担保技术)也就是说,一旦获得491签证,在持有满3年之前申请190189,或许会拒签。





以上所有对于新政策部分的解读基于Migration Amendment (New Skilled Regional Visas) Regulations 2019Dated 4 April 2019,如果1116之后法律有更改,我们会根据情况再做必要的修正更新。





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