
原创 2015年06月04日 滴答澳洲站

澳特慢看到一个振!奋!人!心!的消息:西澳有个特别的法律 Adverse Possession,就是某人若霸占他人的土地超过12年,他就有可能合法拥有这块土地。这个感觉很“流氓”的法律继承自英国普通法,并在西澳通过 Limitation Act 2005 立法承认。霸占者必须符合法律要求,证明自己是“合法”霸占才能算数。
有的,在维州要这么做,“霸占”的时间需要比较久,15年 参考法律: Limitation Act 2005 (WA) s3(6) and s65, together with s19.
这跟事实婚姻差不多。你长期占用,发生关系,没有受到反抗,没有人来声称这是别人的配偶。那么你们就是事实婚姻,事实上的配偶,法律予以承认。But , 这跟中国法律好像有世界观上的不一致。
trustee has the meaning given to that term in the Trustees Act 1962 section 6
(1) and includes a personal representative.
(2) In this Act a reference to the accrual of a cause of action is a reference — (a) to the accrual of the cause of action to a person ( person A ) to whom the cause of action accrues; and (b) where relevant, to the accrual of the cause of action to a person through whom person A claims.
(3) For the purposes of this Act, a person ( person A ) claims through another person ( person B ) in respect of property or a right if person A is entitled to the property or right by, through or under person B or by the act of person B, but a person entitled to property or a right under a special power of appointment is not to be taken to claim through the appointor.
(4) In this Act a reference to a cause of action to recover land includes a reference to a right to enter into possession of the land.
(5) In this Act, in respect of land which is a rentcharge — (a) a reference to the possession of land is a reference to the receipt of the rent; and (b) a reference to the time of dispossession or discontinuance of possession of land is a reference to when rent first becomes overdue.
(6) For the purposes of this Act — (a) adverse possession of land occurs when possession of the land is taken by a person in whose favour the limitation period can run; (b) possession of a rentcharge occurs when possession of the land the subject of the rentcharge is taken by a person, other than the person entitled to the rentcharge, who does not pay the rent; (c) adverse possession of land as against a landlord occurs, in the case to which section 71 applies, when a person wrongfully claiming to be entitled to the land subject to the lease receives the rent; (d) adverse possession of land held by joint tenants or tenants in common, as against a tenant ( tenant A ), occurs when another tenant ( tenant B ) takes possession of more than tenant B’s share, not for the benefit of tenant A.
(7) If an arbitration provision is, or includes, a provision of any written law, this Act has effect subject to the provision of the written law.
19 . Recovery of land — 12 years
(1) An action to recover land cannot be commenced if 12 years have elapsed since the cause of action accrued.
(2) Despite subsection (1), an action to recover land may be commenced at any time if it is brought —
(a) by the Crown or a person claiming through the Crown; and
(b) on a cause of action which accrues to the Crown.

Adverse possession is one of the most contentious methods of acquiring property, albeit one that has played a huge role in the history of English land. Historically, if someone possessed land for long enough, it was thought that this in itself justified acquisition of a good title. This meant that while English land was continually conquered, pillaged, and stolen by various factions, lords or barons throughout the middle ages, those who could show they possessed land long enough would not have their title questioned.
A more modern function has been that land which is disused or neglected by an owner may be converted into another's property if continual use is made. Squatting in England has been a way for land to be efficiently utilised, particularly in periods of economic decline. Before the Land Registration Act 2002, if a person had possessed land for 12 years, then at common law, the previous owner's right of action to eject the "adverse possessor" would expire. The common legal justification was that under the Limitation Act 1623, just like a cause of action in contract or tort had to be used within a time limit, so did an action to recover land. This promoted the finality of litigation and the certainty of claims.[3] Time would start running when someone took exclusive possession of land, or part of it, and intended to possess it adversely to the interests of the current owner. Provided the common law requirements of "possession" that was "adverse" were fulfilled, after 12 years, the owner would cease to be able to assert a claim. Different rules are in place for the limitation periods of adverse possession in unregistered land[4] and registered land.[5] However, in the Land Registration Act 2002 adverse possession of registered land became much harder.
霸道国王:捷克男子占无主之地宣布建国 约2万人申请国籍
它是一个由小组织宣称建立而未被国际普遍承认的国家。它声称怒涛塔(Roughs Tower)是该国的仅有陆上领土,是位于英吉利海峡之上的废弃人造建筑,约距英国英格兰萨福克郡海岸10公里。该国自建立以来一直由其元首派迪·罗伊·贝茨和他的家人以及合作伙伴们统治,常住人口很少超过五人。



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