
原创 2017年11月20日 Infinity澳洲职业咨询




昔日超模女神Kate Ann Moss近照曝光,昔日的荣光已在凹陷的双颊中褪去,留下的,是美人迟暮的心酸,让人唏嘘不已。

想想当年的女神可是下图这般模样啊!14岁出道的她,当年超模Top 10的她,也曾用美貌惊艳时光。

I never dreamed about success

I worked for it







就像成功拿到Commonwealth Bank Offer的Infinity学员Thao一样,她在家庭、孩子与事业面前,曾经也选择了妥协;亦因为家庭与孩子,选择重新开始。之前只在咖啡店打过工的Thao,在Infinity的帮助下找到了自己的核心竞争力所在,并在导师的指导下学会了阐述两年的职场空白,合理弥补了这段“被浪费掉的时光”,同时又凸显她的个人优势和能力。











 Telstra Returnship Program 2018 

Locaton: Melbourne / Sydney

At Telstra we’re launching a Returnship Program, designed to support experienced, professional women return into the corporate environment. Whatever the reason for your extended absence from work, we want to find a way to support you to be a part of our team.

The program is part of our commitment to build a diverse and inclusive workforce, acknowledging that we've got work to do in increasing female representation across our business.

 About the program 

We know that returning to work and navigating a large, corporate environment can come with its challenges – so with our Returnship Program, we’ll be right there with you. Our program offers you the opportunity to join our business in a valued and challenging role, with the added support and guidance you need to make a smooth transition back into the workplace.

We’ll help to match you into a role that’s suitable to your skills, experience and career interests; as well as our key business needs. Together, we’ll create a tailored program experience to best equip you for the role. 

As part of our program, you’ll be given coaching, access to a range of training options and be introduced to a support network. Managing life’s priorities means flexibility is critical. We get this and are committed to supporting you to work flexibly. We are open to considering flexible ways of working for every role in Telstra.

 Some of the specifics 

Returnship opportunities will be offered in early 2018. The successful applicants will commence into a functional, technical or operational management role within our business commencing in March 2018. 

We’re looking for people who have demonstrated management or leadership skills, whether it’s leading teams, or managing programs of work/projects. If you have experience working in Product & Service Design (including Digitisation), Customer Experience, Program Management or strong experience in Data Analytics or Data Management, we’d be keen to hear for you!

 Program eligibility 

The program is suitable for women who have already established professional experience and have been out of the workforce for 2 or more years, and have a desire to re-establish a career in the technology industry.

To support our initial program, roles will be based in Melbourne or Sydney.

 To apply 

Send your resume to 

[email protected]

 Deloitte Return To Work Program 

Exciting news! Applications for the Return To Work program open on Monday 13 November and close on Friday 1 December 2017.

If you’re interested in applying, here’s all the information you need:

 About the program 

Our program is designed to provide you with the support you need to return to work after a career break. Whether you put your career on hold to care for your family, your health or other personal reasons – this is your opportunity to re-enter the workforce with Deloitte. 

While the program is open to men and women, Return To Work’s key aim is to help women who have taken a career break transition back into the workplace. Run in Melbourne or Sydney, it’s a 20-week program that’s designed to help individuals secure a permanent or contract role with us.

Based in on a four-day working week, roles are available across the following departments:

- Risk Advisory

- Financial Advisory

- Consulting

- Deloitte Private

- Tax

- Marketing - Internal

- People and Performance (our HR team)- Internal 

- Information Technology Services - Internal

- National Finance - Internal

 Program eligibility 

Whilst we’d love to open up the program to everyone, Return To Work is designed for those who have working rights in Australia and meet all of the below criteria:

- Are currently on a career break for 2 or more years; 

- Possess relevant experience within professional services or an equivalent industry;

- Are available to start in mid 2018;

- Have worked as a manager or above, and possess leadership experience


Recruitment process 

We know that applying for a job can be a daunting process, and we didn’t want this to be hurdle for you. That’s why we’ve adjusted our recruitment process and eliminated the need for you to submit a traditional resume.

Step 1: Do your research

Find your fit from the teams listed above.

Step 2: Submit your application via our website

Answer a series of questions about your experience, motivations and career goals, and submit your application here between Nov 13 and Dec 1. You can expect to hear back about your application between the 1 - 15 December 2017. 

Step 3: Have a phone conversation with a recruiter or a video interview

You can choose to talk to a recruiter or if you prefer you can do a video interview at a time that suits you.

Step 4: Be interviewed by a Partner and Director

Come into the office for an interview with a Partner and Director in the team you wish to join. You can expect to hear back from us in February 2018 to let you know if you will be progressed to an interview. 

Step 5: Receive an offer

Based on your success you will receive an online offer letter. You may wait up to 2 weeks after your interview to hear from us as we will need time to interview and review all applicants. 

We look forward to receiving your application. Good luck!

 To apply 







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