PwC Australia will be co hosting with Austrade a Webcast on Australian Renewable Energy Opportunities and would be delighted to invite you to join us for an insightful session, our distinguished panel will cover topics on:
普华永道澳大利亚和澳大利亚贸易投资委员会即将共同举办澳大利亚可再生能源投资机遇的网络直播视频会议,我们诚邀您的参与与交流。此次直播会议特别邀请到该领域的资深专家 ,就以下主题给与解析和分享。
Renewables and Storage 可再生能源和存储
Introduction to the Integrated System Plan and otherrecent Government announcements《综合系统计划部署 》 简介和其他相关近期政府公告
How new dispatchable projects will complimentAustralia’s renewable industry boom 新 的可调度项目将如何促进澳大利亚可再生能源产业的繁荣
We are looking forward to the discussion.