【最新消息】关于NSW NOMINATION SC 190 十问十答

2014年07月17日 澳大利亚通途教育移民

关于第一轮新洲NSW州政府担保,又有新消息啦!转自MIA的通知【关于NSW NOMINATION SC 190 十问十答】,第二轮递交申请开放时间可能会有变化!通途教育移民会随时关注该问题,第一时间为大家直击报道!


Why was a newonline process implemented?

Untilnow NSW have had a paper based application system and payment has been by bank cheque or money order. The system has been modernised to allow online applications and electronic payment by credit card. This is a major improvement to the NSW process for Skilled Nominated visa applications.

Why is theapplication process being staggered across the year?

NSW has a limit of 4,000 places available each year for State nominatedSkilled Migration. In 2013-14 the 4,000 places were filled by December 2013 andno applications could be lodged for the first six months of 2014.

The application intake for 2014-15 has been staggered across the yearto enable better management of the processing of applications. It will also enable monitoring of applications to manage occupational diversity.

It isplanned that another three intakes of 1,000 applications per intake will bescheduled in 2014-15. Details of the proposed intakes are published on thewebsite. These dates may change once the July 2014 intake has been processedand reviewed. Please continue to check the website for further information.(下轮开放申请的时间可能会有变化,请大家随时关注NSW新洲移民官网)

Why a 1,000limit on each intake?

We have planned for one intake each quarter to allow for processingtime and to avoid backlogs. It also allows time to analyse the intake. The analysiswill identify ineligible applications and any places that have not been filledwill be available in later intakes.

Applicants are required to undertake a self-assessment against a set ofcriteria which is then reviewed by the Migration Services Team. Our experienceis that applicants are unlikely to apply if they do not meet the points testand that most applicants are successful in gaining nomination.

Can paperbased applications be submitted now?

No-only on-line applications will be accepted. Paper applications willnot be assessed.

Have you hadany technical problems with the online system?

Despite extensive testing undertaken prior to the launch of the newonline system, some teething problems were expected. Because of the largenumber of applications lodged at one time, the application server shut down andissues detected (e.g. difficulty nominating an occupation and calculation ofage). A number of users have provided valuable feedback and this will assist usto refine the system so that it is improved in time for the next intake. Theintroduction of the online system is major reform which we are improving on acontinual basis. User feedback is essential for this process.

I experiencedtechnical issues which prevented me from making my payment. What can I do?

An application will only be considered where payment was success fully made and confirmed with a payment receipt which contains a one to three digitreference number.

If you would like to apply at a future date, you will need to apply inthe next intake. Your application would be considered if you have submitted acomplete application and successfully made payment. Please refer to thewebsite: Live and Work in NSW www.business.nsw.gov.au/live-and-work-in-nsw

When was itdecided to announce the opening of the applications on 14 July?

The date for the launch of the new system was announced on the NSWTrade & Investment website on 1 July 2014. Whatalternatives are available to skilled migrants

who failed to successfullysubmit their application in this intake?

We plan to conduct three more intakes in 2014-15 and prospectiveapplicants are able to apply. The NSW Government also encourages potential applicants to tryalternative pathways, including exploring opportunities to gain regionalsponsorship. There are significant opportunities in regional NSW for skilledmigrants and potential applicants are encouraged to visit NSW Trade &Investment’s website for more details.

When will myapplication be processed?

Applications will be dealt with in receipt order and we will publishupdated processing times on the website regularly. We anticipate providing anupdate on processing times for the July 2014 intake on the 31st July.

My visa isexpiring and I was not able to apply. What can I do?

State nomination is one of a range of visa options that prospectivemigrants can consider. For more information on other visa options, prospectiveapplicants can refer to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website.


澳大利亚总部地址:level 2,407-409 Swanston st, Melbourne








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