百度一下 “ DIY还是中介”,得到的答案大多是“建议DIY,中介太黑”。可是给我们这些建议的人都是找了中介的同学。
拿推荐信来说,一般情况下,国内老师都是交给学生自己来完成,大家以为写三封不一样的推荐信就好了,但是实际操作中,不同学校的推荐信提交系统会有很多让人意想不到的问题。例如U of Utah,里面有个问题'Do you have any reason to believe that the applicant's scholastic record, as you know it, is not an accurate index of his or her scholastic ability? If so, please explain'(大致意思:你认为这个学生学术成绩能体现出这个学生的实力么),Tina 当时申请的时候可头疼坏了,这是个值得利用的问题,但是没回答好,又会降低你的推荐信强度。再比如U of Arizona, '(a) the quality of the applicant's academic or creative achievements, including material not apparent on the official transcripts:
(b) the applicant's scholarly or creative potential and promise for advanced and original work:
(c) those aspects of the applicant's personality and character significant to graduate study:
(d) the applicant's special skills and experience where demonstrated in an art, vocation, or profession:
We would also appreciate knowing the extent of your contact with the applicant and any special opportunities you may have had to observe him or her.' 看到这五个问题的瞬间,Tina毅然放弃了这所学校的申请,先不说这五个问题要有三份不一样的答案,但看这五个问题本身,可以说难以找到五个问题的区别。
而这些还仅仅只是推荐信提交过程中遇到的问题,Tina 认为,如果有这些时间,不如拿来提高自己的绩点,参加一些科技创新或者研究项目,发表一两篇论文。