【PTE官方问答】Read aloud 那么简单,为什么还要考?

2016年10月05日 曼拓教育

很多同学都觉得read aloud是一道送分题,但其实里面藏了很大的奥妙。
下面来继续来听听Pearson 的Director of Test, Dr Alistair Van Moere解析一下设计这道题的原因吧。
Alistair说道,这是一道很容易作答的题目,大部分人都知道怎么朗读,所以把read loud 作为考试的第一个项目可以让考生放松,容易进入考试状态。这是一个很人性化的设计。但是他强调,这个考核虽容易很容易。但从评分的角度,这道题可以考察多方面的英语能力:
“Actually the information we get from it is very useful to us when test-takers read we learn a lot about their pronunciation, were they able to and enunciate all of the o words intelligibly it. it also gives us an idea of their reading fluency and  how well they understood what they were reading, are they pausing at the right place, are they grouping the words together in an expressive way which suggests that they understand what they read and how is their intonation.  it is gentle for the test taker but it’s very useful for us  and it feeds into the pronunciation and fluency scores.”
从Dr Alistair Van Moere的话语中,我们得到的提示是, read aloud (朗读)的方式很重要。这是一个qualitative 的要求。所以我们要带着理解,带着感情去读,让声音更加有交流感,另外咬字也需要清晰,让系统能够辨别到所讲的话,才能同时获得reading, pronunciation 和fluency的分数。

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