【名师带你背单词】TED Talk精选《如何面对石油耗尽》Part2/3

原创 2016年10月05日 曼拓教育

Richard Sears: Planning for the end of oil (Part 2/3)

相关学科:新兴能源与可再生能源(renewable energy)


So, that's one of the stories of oil; there's just a lot of it. But what about oil? Where is it in the energy system? Here's a little snapshot of 150 years of oil, and it's been a dominant part of our energy system for most of those 150 years. Now, here's another little secret I'm going to tell you about: For the last 25 years, oil has been playing less and less of a role in global energy systems. There was one kind of peak oil in 1985, when oil represented 50 percent of global energy supply. Now, it's about 35 percent. It's been declining and I believe it will continue to decline. Gasoline consumption in the U.S. probably peaked in 2007 and is declining.
So oil is playing a less significant role every year. And so, 25 years ago, there was a peak oil; just like, in the 1920s, there was a peak coal; and a hundred years before that, there was a peak wood. This is a very important picture of the evolution of energy systems. And what's been taking up the slack in the last few decades? Well, a lot of natural gas and a little bit of nuclear, for starters. And what goes on in the future? Well, I think out ahead of us a few decades is peak gas, and beyond that, peak renewables.

Now, I'll tell you another little, very important story about this picture. Now, I'm not pretending that energy use in total isn't increasing, it is -- that's another part of the story. Come talk to me about it, we'll fill in some of the details -- but there's a very important message here: This is 200 years of history, and for 200 years we've been systematically decarbonising our energy system. Energy systems of the world becoming progressively -- year on year, decade on decade, century on century -- becoming less carbon intense. And that continues into the future with the renewables that we're developing today, reaching maybe 30 percent of primary energy by mid-century. Now that might be the end of the story – Okay, we just replace it all with conventional renewables -- but I think, actually, there's more to the story than that.


白班(10月3日-14日):每周一、三、五 13:30-15:30

晚班(10月3日-14日):每周一、三、五 18:00-20:00 

周末班(10月2日-9日):每周六、日 10:00-12:00 13:30-15:30 


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