报名| 7月29日上海校友活动——Airwallex(空中云汇)联合创始人分享会

2020年07月22日 澳大利亚政府教育资讯

澳大利亚驻上海总领事馆和澳大利亚全球校友会将于7月29日周三在上海举行早餐会。演讲嘉宾是创立于澳大利亚的金融科技公司Airwallex(空中云汇)联合创始人兼总裁Lucy Liu女士。

Airwallex是一家致力于推动全球企业运营改革的金融科技公司。公司2015年在墨尔本成立,至今已经在全球设立了10个办事处(包括北京、上海、深圳和香港),拥有超过400名员工。在成立的短短几年中,公司成功吸引了全球顶尖投资者总计超过3.6亿美元的融资。在2019年C轮融资后的估值已达到10亿美元级别,成为澳大利亚历史上成长最快的科技独角兽公司之一,并在2018年和2019年连续被毕马威 (KPMG) Fintech100榜单评为全球50强领先金融科技公司。



https://yoopay.cn/event/46622715 (或点击阅读原文)

The Australian Consulate General in Shanghai and Australia Global Alumni looks forward to the upcoming breakfast event with Lucy Liu, Co-Founder and President of Airwallex on Wednesday 29th July. 

Airwallex is a technology company that revolutionises the way businesses operate globally. Founded in 2015 in Melbourne, Airwallex has since grown to over 400 employees across ten offices around the world, including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The company has raised over US$360 million in venture capital funding, supported by top-tier investors including Tencent, Sequoia Capital China, DST Global, Hillhouse Capital, Horizons Ventures, ANZi Ventures, Square Peg Capital, Mastercard and Salesforce Ventures. In March 2019, Airwallex was valued over US$1 billion after its Series C financing, and became one of the fastest growing fintech unicorns in Australia. The company was also named one of the world’s top 50 fintechs in KPMG’s 2019 and 2018 Fintech100 lists.

Join us to hear Lucy, a University of Melbourne alumna, share how the Melbourne coffee scene inspired the idea behind Airwallex, and her journey growing the company from a start-up to tech unicorn.

Event details are in the flyer below. RSVP via

https://yoopay.cn/event/46622715 (or click Read More)






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