AEMS恭喜朱先生186永居签证顺利获批! --04/02/2016 Congratulations to Mr. Zhu successfully got 186 Permanent visa approval! ---04/02/2016 AEMS恭喜陶先生187永居签证顺利获批! --29/01/2016 Congratulations to Mr. Tao successfully got 187 Permanent visa approval! ---29/01/2016 AEMS恭喜庄女士457工作签证顺利获批! ---30/11/2015 Congratulations to Ms. Zhuang successfully got 457 working visa approval! ---30/11/2015 AEMS恭喜陈先生457工作签证顺利获批! ---01/02/2016 Congratulations to Mr. Chen successfully got 457 working visa approval! ---01/02/2016 AEMS恭喜李先生573学生签证顺利获批! ---04/02/2016 Congratulations to Mr. Li successfully got 573 student visa approval! ---04/02/2016 AEMS恭喜孙女士573学生签证顺利获批! ---18/01/2016 Congratulations to Ms. Sun successfully got 573 student visa approval! ---18/01/2016 AEMS恭喜王先生571学生签证顺利获批! ---18/01/2016 Congratulations to Mr. Wang successfully got 571 student visa approval! ---18/01/2016 Congratulations to Ms. Lee successfully got 190 skill visa approval! ---16/01/2016 AEMS恭喜郑先生155 PR续签签证顺利获批! --04/02/2016 Congratulations to Mr. Zheng successfully got 155 Resident Return visa approval! ---04/02/2016 AEMS恭喜周女士旅游签证顺利获批! --19/01/2016 Congratulations to Ms. Zhou successfully got 600 Vistor visa approval! ---29/01/2016 AEMS恭喜崔女士旅游签证顺利获批! --12/01/2016 Congratulations to Ms. Cui successfully got 600 Vistor visa approval! ---12/01/2016