【SWT真题小课堂】-高频考题IPCC climate change深度讲解, 教你一个技巧便可轻松解决这类棘手题目

2018年03月31日 7PLUS英语

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以下是高频考题IPCC climate change的分析,并附上高分参考答案。


The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change (IPCC) has released a new report on anthropogenic climatechange.

The findings of the report include the following:

The world's average surface temperature has increased by around 0.74°C over the past 100 years(1906 - 2005). A warming of about 0.2°C is projected for each of the next two decades.

The best estimates for sea-level rise due to ocean expansion and glaciermelt by the end of the century (compared to 1989 - 1999 levels) have narrowedto 28 - 58 cm, versus 9 - 88 cm in the 2001 report, due to improvedunderstanding. However, larger values of up to 1 m by 2100 cannot be ruled outif ice sheets continue to melt as temperature rises.

Sea ice is projected to shrink in both the Arctic and Antarctic regions.Large areas of the Arctic Ocean could lose year-round ice cover by the end ofthe 21st century if human emissions reach the higher end of current estimates.The extent of Arctic sea ice has already shrunk by about 2.7 per cent per decadesince 1978, with the summer minimum declining by about 7.1 per cent per decade.

Snow cover has decreased in most regions, especially in spring. Themaximum extent of frozen ground in the winter/spring season decreased by about7 per cent in the Northern Hemisphere over the latter half of the 20th century.The average freezing date for rivers and lakes in the Northern Hemisphere overthe past 150 years has arrived later by some 5.8 days per century, while theaverage break-up date has arrived earlier by 6.5 days per century.

It is "very likely" that precipitation will increase at highlatitudes and "likely" it will decrease over most subtropical landregions. The pattern of these changes is similar to what has been observedduring the 20th century.




In one minute, scan the text and write down keywords and important points”这里我们可以记下“UN report, climate change, surface temperature increase, sea level rise, oceanexpansion, glacier melt”接下来你做的事情是尝试只用你的笔记来写SWT,不要尝试去回看文章,你脑海里应该要有类似的构思“UN report on climate change states that ; increases in surface temperatures are causing sealevels to rise, oceans to expand, and glaciers to melt”紧接着再次完善你的句子(这次同样不要回看文章):“A UN report on climate changestates that increasing temperatures are causing glacier melt, rising sea levelsand loss of coastal land”这样一句话只涵盖了文章中的主旨,但是细节尤其是essential supporting ideas几乎没有提到。


如何添加essential supportingidea

首先确定什么是essentialsupporting idea?每一题的supporting idea都有所不同,这题的论点是环境变化,气温升高,冰川融化,海平面上升等等,这题的supportingidea便自然而然是数字,那么你的答案当中就应该有数字来例证你所提到的气候变化。即“A UN report on climate change states that increasing temperatures arecausing glacier melt, rising sea levels and loss of coastal land which can be clearly seen from data provided.”有些同学可能会觉得一个30个字的答案有些不可思议,但是实施情况是官方在三剑客(TEST BUILDER, TEST PLUS OFFICAL GUIDE)上的答案从未超过25个字,但为什么老师还要求大家把字数多写一点?因为如果你有能力拍着胸脯说你写的东西就是电脑的采分点,那么OK,你完全可以这么写,但是大多数时候,我们的思路和出题者对文章的理解会有偏差,所以只有多写一些来涵盖尽可能多的得分点,因为毕竟电脑是踩分机制。


A UN report on climate change states that increasing temperatures are causingglacier melt, rising sea levels and loss of coastal land which can be clearly seen from data provided.


1. 先看一下50分同学的水平:Unitedintergovermental panel on climate change report that climatict changes innorthern hemisphere will cause drastick change in sea current and will raisethe sea level.


解析:这位同学的答案只涵盖了一个得分点(环境变化带来了很大的影响),虽然这个答案是一个完整的句子,但是当中不乏拼写错误,并且错误的使用了介词和动词,例如“on 和 raise”


2. 65分: Due to the latest report of IPCC about the wordwide climate, GreenHouse Effect has affected the earth severely on various aspects.


解析:这位同学虽然可以看得出来读懂了文章,但是对于SWT错误的观念使得他与高分失之交臂,因为他的订单并没有任何的细节,只是强调了various aspects,但是具体一方面都没有讲,就更不要提supportingideas了。还有一个错误也很致命,就是他用了“due to”,这里电脑就会认为这里的“due to”表原因,正确的词应该是“according to”。


3. 79分: A new UN report finds that increasing surface temperatures aroundthe world are causing rising sea levels, shrinking sea ice and snow cover, andchanges in precipitation.




PTE 79分四人精品班

内容升级 课时增加


2018.4. 9 平时

2018.4. 7 周末班






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4月9日 平时班

周一 三 四上课 连续两周

10:00 - 12:30  13:30 - 16:00

4月7日 周末班

周六 日上课 连续三周

10:00 - 12:30  13:30 - 16:00







雅思稳定在 听力 8 阅读 8 写作 6.5 口语 7

PTE 4个 65以上



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