新南威尔斯 New South Wales 工作职缺
澳洲 Sydney 珍珠奶茶店招聘 Part time 員工,工作地點位於HURSTVILLE 區,近火車站 住附近者優先考慮,請能立刻上班為主和住在附近申請者有興趣請電洽or SMS Vincent : 0415866626
昆士兰 Queensland 工作职缺
Brisbane Milton 咖啡廳招kitchenhand 工作時段: 週五1100-late、六0900-late、日0900-late、一 1100-late 約35-40hrs 需要有廚房經驗 Text only 0499 600 405
西澳 Western Australia 工作职缺
代徵 Morley 中餐館 徵waitstaff 有興趣者,歡迎在晚上10點前 播打0412 677 193
维多利亚 Victoria 工作职缺
大洋路餐館誠徵服務生與酒店房務清潔人員數名 工作待遇:週薪 包三餐/住宿/網路 或 時薪不包吃住 詳細薪資情況請電話聯繫 工作內容:服務生與房務清潔 工作條件:團隊合作精神 刻苦耐勞 能工作至少3-6個月 意者請電洽0481447709 Sharon或將簡歷寄至[email protected]
北领地 Northern Territory 工作职缺
北领地土著部落takeaway招后厨,在ngukurr,后厨,包吃住 周薪税前$1000 要求 1.吃苦耐劳 2.签证半年以上 3.仅限男生,有工作经验者优先 4.可即时上岗 联系方式:0487 217 264
南澳 South Australia 工作职缺
塔斯马尼亚 Tasmania 工作职缺
We are a busy family looking for a "Life Assistant" to help us keep our home under control. Hours/days are flexible, but we are ideally looking for someone for two days per week on a regular basis, around 3 hours each day. Duties include general tidying, vacuuming, mopping, laundry, cleaning bathrooms, making beds and running errands etc. If you have high standards are reliable, trustworthy and friendly, then you just might be who we are looking for. This is a great way for someone to earn some extra $$$ during school hours. If you are interested in this role, please send an email to [email protected] with details of your experience, the days you are available and why you think you are the person we are looking for. :-) We look forward to hearing from you.

