
2014年09月25日 重庆澳利通澳洲房产

一家领先市场评论机构指出,尽管澳洲房价被严重高估 ,但房价增长料将持续到2015年。

SQM Research 周四发布的的《房地产繁荣与破灭》报告指出,若与名义GDP价格比较,全澳房价被高估了10%以上,本周早些时候公布的国际清算银行报告也警告称澳洲房价被高估,储行则警告说,房价恐怕不会永远上涨。

但SQM报告的作者克里斯多夫(Louis Christopher)表示,没有明显迹象显示房价会下跌。











克里斯多夫说,低利率将推动市场持续上涨至2015年,但要想从2015年涨到2016年,全澳的低经济成长率就非提高不可。“2016年可能是非常有趣的一年,但从现在到那时的时间还长着呢。” 他说。

Property prices forecast to continue rising in 2015

The Advisor 18 September 2014

The housing market will continue its strong momentum wellinto 2015, a leading real estate expert has forecast.

According to the analysis by SQM Research owner LouisChristopher, prices in Australia’s eight capital cities still have room to moveover the coming 12 months.

Mr Christopher forecast an average price rise of five tonine per cent, assuming the official cash rate stayed at 2.5 per cent, the economy remained steady and the Australia dollar remained above US$0.85.

In this scenario, Sydney would continue to record outstandinggrowth of eight to 12 per cent.

Melbourne would grow at five to nine per cent and Brisbaneat five to eight per cent.

There would also be price rises of four to seven per centfor Adelaide, three to six per cent for Hobart and one to four per cent for Perth.

However, the two territory markets could potentially gobackwards.

Canberra’s price movement has been forecast to fall betweena two per cent decrease and a three per cent increase, while Darwin would rangefrom a three per cent drop to a one per cent rise.

Mr Christopher said there was no need to fear a pricingbubble while prices remained high.

“The market is somewhat overvalued, but not by as much aswhat some have very publicly stated. I don’t believe at this stage the marketis in a bubble,” he said.

“Some cities are heading into overvalued territory, but thepoint overall is the market is far from a bubble situation when taking intoaccount historical valuations over the past 30 years.”

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