
2018年03月19日 文波英语








RS: 语速正常

There are no scheduled classes during the final exam weeks.

The books in the library can be borrowed for up to 3 hours.

还有一个是 all students and staff have the access to printer and xxx


Economic inactivity throughout the generations表图

Plantation paper流程图




Vegetarian可以吃什么?--------fruit salad



1.     City mayor (第一句是这么说的,后面好像不是这么说的)

Education scholars generally agree that mayors can help failing districts, but they are starting to utter warnings.

Last summer the editors of the Harvard Educational Review warned that mayoral control could reduce parents' influence on schools.

And they pointed to Mr. Bloomberg's aggressive style as an example of what not to do.

All this must be weighed up by the New York state legislature in 2009 when mayoral control is up for renewal — or scrapping.

2.     学校里有学生吃素食,但是只吃素食又不能饮食健康,就促使学校餐馆improve menu,这是一种提高。一共四句话。我觉得不难。




B.当时的艺术影响 xxx at the age



1. Richard Morris

Richard Morris, of the school of accounting at the University of NSW, which requires an entrance score in the top 5 percent of students, says attendance has been a problem since the late 1990s.

“Sometimes in the lectures we’ve only got about one-third of students enrolled attending,” he said.

“It definitely is a problem. If you don’t turn up to class you’re mission out on the whole richness of the experience: you don’t think a whole lot, you don’t engage in debates with other students - or with your teachers.”

It is not all gloom, said Professor John Dearn, a Province-Chancellor at the University of Canberra, who said the interest was transforming the way student’s access and use information.

“It is strange that despite all the evidence as to their ineffectiveness, traditional lecture seems to persist in our universities.”


2. The writing on the wall (拖词)

The inevitable consequences include rampant corruption, an absence of globally competitive Chinese companies, chronic waste of resources, rampant environmental degradation, and soaring inequality. Above all, the monopoly over power of an ideologically bankrupt communist party is inconsistent with the pluralism of opinion, security of property and vibrant competition on which a dynamic economy depends. As a result, Chinese development remains parasitic on know-how and institution developed elsewhere.


3有一个fib说的类似于,发达国家有心思来practice/establish environmental policy类似这样的






Males do the singing and females do the listening. This has been the established, even cherished view of courtship in birds, but now some ornithologists are changing the tune.

Lszl Garamszegi of the University of Antwerp, Belgium, and colleagues studied the literature on 233 European songbird species. Of the 109 for which information on females was available, they found evidence for singing in 101 species. In only eight species could the team conclude that females did not sing?

Females that sing have been overlooked, the team says, because their songs are quiet, they are mistaken for males from their similar plumage, or they live in less well-studied areas such as the tropics. Garamszegi blames Charles Darwin for the oversight. He emphasized the importance of male sexual display, and this is what everyone has been looking at.

The findings go beyond modern species. After carefully tracing back an evolutionary family tree for their songbirds, Garamszegis team discovered that, in at least two bird families, singing evolved in females first. They suggest these ancient females may have been using their songs to deter other females from their territories, to coordinate breeding activities with males, or possibly to attract mates.


2. Aging world

Aging world we live in an aging world. While this has been recognized for some time in developed countries, it is only recently that this phenomenon has been fully acknowledged. Global communication is "shrinking" the world, and global aging is "maturing" it. The increasing presence of older persons in the world is making people of all ages more aware that we live in a diverse and multigenerational society. It is no longer possible to ignore aging, regardless of whether one views it positively or negatively.

Demographers note that if current trends in aging continue as predicted, a demographic revolution, wherein the proportions of the young and the old will undergo a historic crossover, will be felt in just three generations. This portrait of change in the world's population parallels the magnitude of the industrial revolution traditionally considered the most significant social and economic breakthrough in the history of humankind since the Neolithic period. It marked the beginning of a sustained movement towards modern economic growth in much the same way that globalization is today marking an unprecedented and sustained movement toward a "global culture". The demographic revolution, it is envisaged, will be at least as powerful.

While the future effects are not known, a likely scenario is one where both the challenges as well as the opportunities will emerge from a vessel into which exploration and research, dialogue and debate are poured. Challenges arise as social and economic structures try to adjust to the simultaneous phenomenon of diminishing young cohorts with rising older ones, and opportunities present themselves in the sheer number of older individuals and the vast resources societies stand to gain from their contribution.

This aging of the population permeates all social, economic and cultural spheres. Revolutionary change calls for new, revolutionary thinking, which can position policy formulation and implementation on a sounder footing. In our aging world, new thinking requires that we view aging as a lifelong and older person.




1.     Laugh的意义

2.     Stanford university lecture leadership and management

3.     ATM 的 restructure


HIW: 第1,2题语速适当,但是有个2行半的题,女声,读的超快,类似于1.4倍速吧。词不难,但是超快,以后再遇见短的hiw一定要小心!!



1.     jeff跟老师讨论作业 humanity



有一个女生跟老师讨论作业,问题是还需要增添什么,我选的是xx groups



Many graduates ____ journalism get jobs in the communication’s field.

There are some doubts  about whether these events actually occurred.

The synopsis contains the most important information.

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