2020 雅思口语Part 3 Bad Service + 范例

原创 2020年11月25日 7PLUS英语

最近很多准备雅思口语的同学反馈,针对Part 3 有一道 BadService考题,同学们无从下手。 首先我们先来看这道题常考的几个问题:
·        Why do some people not complain about bad service?
·        What should people do if they receive bad service?
·        How can companies deal with bad service?
·        Can bad service ever be a positive experience?
7Plus 的老师给大家一系列参考答案,这些答案也是老师临场想出来的:
-         Why do some people not complain about bad service?
A:The reasons why some people feel reluctant to complain about bad services can be either (that) they are uncertain about how to complain or they are deterred from the complexity of complaint procedures. In order to lodge a complaint, one probably needs to spend lots of time searching for information online and this idea makes people feel that it may not be worth.
-         What should people do if they receive bad service?
A:People may resort to different strategies when they experience negative services. Lodging a formal complaint by sending an email is common these days.For example, if a customer receives a bad attitude from a sales person, they can report to the store manager or send an email to the store following their complaint procedures.
-         How can companies deal with bad service?
A:If companies wish to address their bad services, they probably first need to attend to their complaints. Although not all complaints are legitimate or reasonable, going through the details of complaints can help companies identify their weaknesses and problems fast. After learning about the issues, companies can have robust discussion in terms of how to solve them and eventually actupon.
-         Can bad service ever be a positive experience?
A:Definitely. To customers, a bad service can help them eliminate unpleasant shops or services which would make their future experiences more positive. To companies, when they notice there are bad services or complaints from customers, they can help them to locate their issues and therefore, improve theirs ervice quality.
之前我们说过,雅思口语有四个评分项目;因此分析这道题时,我们也根据四项来总结。在做到回答问题的同时,语法方面,用了多个复杂句比如从句。而在词汇方面,也进行了词汇替换 (e.g. bad—negative)及以及词汇搭配 (e.g.lodge a complaint; resort to)。最后,在发音发面,同学准备口语时,多跟读BBC, TED 等等材料,尽量接近native的发音。如果同学对自己口语不知道问题在哪或者希望系统的学习,欢迎大家来7Plus咨询。



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