过了1001这关,还有1002这个坎🙈。MSA怎么写,tutorial究竟在讲些什么,这些Theory究竟是什么东西, news怎么选....MSA虽然离due还有一段时间,但是已经有不少小伙伴在问小编问题了。HD Programme特地请来MSA overall 83的Keymi学姐,给大家细致讲解MSA的写作。
『Tutor : 学姐Keymi』
Keymi, 在读Accounting和Finance 双专业。喜欢吃喜欢撸小动物~平常没事会像退休老干部一样泡泡茶养养花 (*/ω\*)
- MSA 均分83
- 曾经参加 Team leader in Community Placement Program (CPP) 2016
- Volunteer in Sydney Dogs and Cats Home 2016 & Sydney Ground-up Society 2016
- Participant in 180 Degree Consulting Competition 2016
- Participant in Sydney Genesis Program 2016
- Student volunteer in Harvard Summit for Young Leaders in China 2014 & 2013.
『助教 : 学姐Amelia』
- Major in Quantitative Business Analytics and Economics
- MSA 均分83
- 四届MSA公开课经验
- VPPR in the University of Sydney Toastmasters club (Leadership and Public Speaking)
- Awarded the First Prize of Youth Technopreneurship Competitionand
- Be the participant of the conference hosted by the National University of Singapore (2016)
- Paneliston the China Open Day (2015, Beijing)
- Volunteer for the China Culture Centre
- Participant in the Interchange Program (2015), Sydney Genesis Program (2014) and Cronell Real Estate Competition (2015)
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1. MSA写作思路,写作方法,如何ACAR
2. News怎么找,怎么选
3. Thoery解析,如何应用到MSA中
4. Tutor以个人MSA 作范文讲解
5. 课前&后有theory详细解释视频发放
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